The Data-Factor: Why Integrating DSPM Is Key to Your CNAPP Strategy
August 28, 2024DSPM solutions provide a comprehensive, up-to-date view into cloud-based data and risk. An integrated CNAPP and DSPM solution elevates this analysis to expose toxic combinations and security gaps across cloud environments.
$200 Million Cybersecurity Funding Available for K-12 Schools and Libraries through FCC Cybersecurity Pilot Program
August 27, 2024Empowering K-12 schools and libraries to strengthen their cybersecurity posture with new funding opportunities and best practices.
Never Trust User Inputs -- And AI Isn't an Exception: A Security-First Approach
August 6, 2024As AI transforms industries, security remains critical. Discover the importance of a security-first approach in AI development, the risks of open-source tools, and how Tenable's solutions can help protect your systems.
Tenable Cloud Security To Help Fed Agencies Tackle Cloud Challenges as It Nears FedRAMP Authorization
July 31, 2024As federal agencies adopt a cloud-first policy, they face unique challenges in securing cloud infrastructure. Learn how Tenable Cloud Security, which is now FedRAMP "In Process," can help.
ConfusedFunction: A Privilege Escalation Vulnerability Impacting GCP Cloud Functions
July 24, 2024Organizations that have used Google Cloud Platform’s Cloud Functions – a serverless execution environment – could be impacted by a privilege escalation vulnerability discovered by Tenable and dubbed as “ConfusedFunction.” Read on to learn all about the vulnerability and what your organization needs to do to protect itself.
If You Only Have Five Minutes, Here’s CNAPP in a Snap (But We Have an eBook, Too)
July 23, 2024If you’re a bit puzzled by all the talk about cloud native application protection platforms (CNAPPs), worry not. Our new eBook “Empower Your Cloud: Mastering CNAPP Security” explains in plain English what CNAPP is, how it works and why it’ll help you secure your cloud environment confidently. Read on to check out the eBook’s main highlights.
Improving Your Cloud Security Using JIT Access for Sensitive SaaS Applications
July 22, 2024Using just-in-time controls to secure access to your SaaS applications will reduce your cloud attack surface by avoiding permanent access and enforcing least privilege.
How the regreSSHion Vulnerability Could Impact Your Cloud Environment
July 5, 2024With growing concern over the recently disclosed regreSSHion vulnerability, we’re explaining here what it is, why it’s so significant, what it could mean for your cloud environment and how Tenable Cloud Security can help.
Tag, You’re IT! Tagging Your Way to Cloud Security Excellence
June 26, 2024To manage your cloud resources effectively and securely, you need to consistently tag assets across all your cloud platforms. Here we explain tagging’s main benefits, as well as proven strategies and best practices for tagging success.
Understanding Customer Managed Encryption Keys (CMKs) in AWS, Azure and GCP: A Comparative Insight
June 25, 2024Explore critical differences in handling customer-managed encryption keys (CMKs) across AWS, Azure and GCP to avoid security misconfigurations and protect your data effectively.
Cloud Workload Protection: The Key to Decreasing Cloud Security Risks
June 11, 2024More than 80% of all breaches involve data stored in the cloud, and security teams that don’t use cloud workload protection (CWP) may never get ahead of attackers who want to access as much data as possible with the least effort. A single cloud breach is often the most straightforward way into these sensitive environments. On average, it costs nearly $5 million to respond and recover. So, why are so many organizations still using traditional on-prem security that isn't designed for the dynamic cloud?
These Services Shall Not Pass: Abusing Service Tags to Bypass Azure Firewall Rules (Customer Action Required)
June 3, 2024Azure customers whose firewall rules rely on Azure Service Tags, pay attention: You could be at risk due to a vulnerability detected by Tenable Research. Here’s what you need to know to determine if you’re affected, and if so, what you should do right away to protect your Azure environment from attackers.