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Cyber threats are evolving. Get ahead of cyber risk with Exposure Management.

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can't be Reactive

Your modern attack surface is growing rapidly, always changing and increasingly interconnected. This presents a monumental challenge for security teams. While attackers probe for the weakest link in your sprawling attack surface—and move laterally in search of valuable assets—security teams are constrained by siloed, incomplete attack surface views, and must rely on just-in-time detection and response to react to attackers’ moves.

Your security teams face an uphill battle trying to prevent attacks and often face three common challenges:
  • Siloed view of the attack surface: As the attack surface has evolved, most organizations have invested in new, specialized tools to manage each facet.
  • Data overload: Security teams use tools that generate mountains of data but provide precious little context to help them understand and prioritize it.
  • Stuck in reactive mode: With little hope of gaining a comprehensive and focused view, organizations are often on the back foot, reacting to incidents as they happen.
By 2026, organizations prioritizing their security investments based on a continuous exposure management programme will be three times less likely to suffer from a breach.
Implement a Continuous Threat Exposure Management (CTEM) Programme, Gartner®, July 2022.

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The World's Best Exposure Data Meets Generative AI for Exposure Management

Exposure Graph

For generative AI to truly revolutionize an exposure management program, you must have access to the most exceptional vulnerability and exposure context worldwide. This wealth of information plays a vital role in guiding decisions related to preventive security. Tenable’s Exposure Graph serves as the fundamental building block that drives ExposureAI


ExposureAI transforms your defense strategies by offering rapid analysis, decisive decision-making and unwavering guidance. With unmatched data and expertise from Tenable, ExposureAI empowers teams to navigate complexities, outmaneuver adversaries and embrace preventive security. Analysts master risk mitigation across the evolving attack surface, regardless of origin.

  • Search

    Simplify search across your asset inventory for complete visibility.

  • Explain

    Derive succinct guidance to better understand product findings.

  • Action

    Proactively deliver insights for action with the most impact.

Get Ahead of Your Cyber Risks

Exposure management enables your organization to understand cyber risk so you can make more effective business decisions. Built on the foundations of risk-based vulnerability management, exposure management takes a broader view across your modern attack surface, applying both technical and business context to more precisely identify and more accurately communicate cyber risk, enabling better business decisions.

Gain comprehensive visibility across your modern attack surface.

Security teams need an unconstrained view to effectively protect your organization from attack.

Apply context
to anticipate threats.

Your teams need contextual intelligence to prioritize efforts based on what will prevent the most likely attacks.

Communicate cyber risk accurately at all levels of your organization.

Accurately communicating risk allows stakeholders to take actions that drive business value.

Software Vulnerabilities
External Attack Surface
Application Vulnerabilities
Public Cloud Configuration
Access Permissions

Exposure management is about seeing the full, accurate picture of your attack surface and being equipped to make the right decisions to reduce your cyber risk efficiently.

Five Essential Steps to Build Your Exposure Management Program

Download the Gartner® Report Implement a Continuous Threat Exposure Management (CTEM) Program
  • Assess the security technologies you have now.
    Determine gaps in coverage or integration.
  • Understand visibility into your attack surface.
    Consider all aspects of the modern attack surface and be sure to look at it from an attacker’s perspective.
  • Prioritize your efforts.
    Understand the business value of your assets and prioritize remediation based on risk.
  • Measure your remediation processes.
    Benchmark internally and externally and apply continuous improvement practices.
  • Communicate and take action.
    Develop consistent, accurate communication practices. Can you answer the question, “How secure are we?”
Download the Gartner® Report Implement a Continuous Threat Exposure Management (CTEM) Program

Key Roles in an Exposure Management Program

Security Practitioners

Security practitioners need full visibility into the attack surface along with a unified view of all assets. An exposure management platform can help security practitioners prioritize efforts in remediating software vulnerabilities, misconfigurations and improperly assigned credential entitlements. Such comprehensive visibility and prioritization capabilities enable security teams to better understand their attack surface, eliminate blind spots and build a baseline for effective risk management. This empowers them to make the best decisions around what, when and how to mitigate exposures that put the organization most at risk.

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Security Managers

Security managers need to focus available resources on their most pressing security needs through insight and context about threats, assets and privileges. An exposure management platform helps security managers eliminate windows of risk while reducing resources needed to remediate and respond. It enables these users to anticipate attack consequences by providing a contextual view of how assets and users are interrelated across the attack surface. It also provides security managers with clear and easily communicated key performance indicators (KPIs), yielding insights into the organization’s progress over time, as well as benchmark comparisons within the organization.

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CISOs, BISOs and other security executives require accurate risk assessments to improve investment decisions, make decisions about insurability, meet regulatory and compliance requirements and drive organizational improvement. An exposure management platform provides actionable metrics to help security leaders measure, compare and communicate cyber risk, not only to operations teams within IT and security, but also up and out to non-technical executives and operating teams throughout the enterprise. A unified cyber risk view with clear KPIs enables executives to measure progress over time and benchmark comparisons against industry peers and within the organization. The goal? Helping security leaders answer the question, “How secure are we?”

Get Started

Security practitioners need full visibility into the attack surface along with a unified view of all assets. An exposure management platform can help security practitioners prioritize efforts in remediating software vulnerabilities, misconfigurations and improperly assigned credential entitlements. Such comprehensive visibility and prioritization capabilities enable security teams to better understand their attack surface, eliminate blind spots and build a baseline for effective risk management. This empowers them to make the best decisions around what, when and how to mitigate exposures that put the organization most at risk.

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Security managers need to focus available resources on their most pressing security needs through insight and context about threats, assets and privileges. An exposure management platform helps security managers eliminate windows of risk while reducing resources needed to remediate and respond. It enables these users to anticipate attack consequences by providing a contextual view of how assets and users are interrelated across the attack surface. It also provides security managers with clear and easily communicated key performance indicators (KPIs), yielding insights into the organization’s progress over time, as well as benchmark comparisons within the organization.

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CISOs, BISOs and other security executives require accurate risk assessments to improve investment decisions, make decisions about insurability, meet regulatory and compliance requirements and drive organizational improvement. An exposure management platform provides actionable metrics to help security leaders measure, compare and communicate cyber risk, not only to operations teams within IT and security, but also up and out to non-technical executives and operating teams throughout the enterprise. A unified cyber risk view with clear KPIs enables executives to measure progress over time and benchmark comparisons against industry peers and within the organization. The goal? Helping security leaders answer the question, “How secure are we?”

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Security Evolved

Tenable One is an exposure management platform designed to help organizations gain visibility across the modern attack surface, focus efforts to prevent likely attacks, and accurately communicate cyber risk to support optimal business performance. The Tenable One platform offers broad vulnerability coverage spanning IT assets, cloud resources, containers, web apps and identity systems.

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See Tenable One in Action

Exposure management for the modern attack surface.