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Unauthorized Scan Report

Report an unauthorized scan to Tenable

Tenable.io is a cloud-based system that performs regular vulnerability scanning. Our customers each purchase a subscription to use this service in order to scan their own infrastructure. Unauthorized scans typically occur for two reasons:

  1. A customer may have proceeded with an understanding they had authorization from someone in your organization to do the scan. This is most common, so we encourage you to check with related business stakeholders to determine if this scan was authorized.
  2. A customer may have mistakenly initiated a scan against your network.

Please follow this link to see Tenable's range of IPs used for cloud-hosted scanners.

If the scan activity in question comes from an IP outside this range, we encourage you to contact the owner of those IPs and request that they stop.

If after reaching out to the owner of the source IP(s) you still continue to receive unauthorized scans, please fill out the following form.