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Tenable CSO to Keynote Hack in the Box Conference 2008 Malaysia

October 27, 2008 · Columbia, MD

On October 27th, Marcus Ranum, Tenable’s CSO, will be keynoting the opening of the Hack in the Box Security Conference 2008 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Mr. Ranum will begin the conference with his keynote titled: “Cyberwar is Nonsense”. There has been a great deal of irresponsible and inaccurate talk about “cyberwar” in the last decade, in spite of the fact that it is technologically and militarily impractical. Its counterpart, “cyberespionage” makes a bit more sense, and is less mythical but falls under the category of “nothing new”. In this presentation we’ll look past the hype at the reality of “cyberwar”.

Marcus J. Ranum is a world-renowned expert on security system design and implementation. He is recognized as an early innovator in firewall technology, and the implementer of the first commercial firewall product. Since the late 1980’s, he has designed a number of groundbreaking security products including the DEC SEAL, the TIS firewall toolkit, the Gauntlet firewall, and NFR’s Network Flight Recorder intrusion detection system. He has been involved in every level of operations of a security product business, from developer, to founder and CEO of NFR. Mr. Ranum has served as a consultant to many FORTUNE 500 firms and national governments, as well as serving as a guest lecturer and instructor at numerous high-tech conferences. In 2001, he was awarded the TISC “Clue” award for service to the security community, and the ISSA Lifetime Achievement Award. Mr. Ranum is Chief Security Officer for Tenable Network Security, where he is responsible for research in logging tools and product training. He serves as a technology advisor to a number of start-ups, established concerns, and venture capital groups.

Please view the complete program here: http://conference.hackinthebox.org/hitbsecconf2008kl/index.php?cat=1

October 27-30, 2008

The Crowne Plaza MutiaraKuala Lumpur, Malaysia

For additional information, visit: HITB Press/Media http://conference.hackinthebox.org/hitbsecconf2008kl/index.php?page_id=77
or contact: Jack Huffard, Tenable Network Security 410-872-0555

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