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Tenable CISO Ranum to Speak at University Symposium

June 20, 2007 · Columbia, MD

Marcus Ranum, an internationally recognized expert on security system design and implementation, will give the keynote address for a three-day symposium on computing and network security at UC Davis on Wednesday, June 20.
He will discuss security improvements over the past 10 years, the most promising security measures or practices and ones that turned out to be hype.
An early innovator in firewall technology and the implementer of the first commercial firewall product, Ranum has served as a consultant to many FORTUNE 500 firms and national governments. He also has been a technology adviser to startups, established companies, and venture capital groups.
He is chief security officer for Tenable Security, where he is responsible for research in open-source logging tools and product training.
Ranum will address about 250 technical staff from UC campuses who will gather through Friday, June 22, for the UC Davis IT Security Symposium.

Marcus Ranum, Chief Security Officer, Tenable Network Security

June 20, 20074:50 p.m. PST

3rd biennial UC Davis IT Security Symposium
University of California, Davis Campus Davis, California

For additional information, please visit http://itsecuritysymposium.ucdavis.edu/index.cfm 
or contact:Patrice Bourgeois (410) 872-0555 

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