Tenable CEO to Address 2007 DHS Security Conference
August 27, 2007 · Columbia, MD
Tenable Network Security Founder and CEO Ron Gula will discuss “Trends in Security Hardening and Configuration Guidelines”.
Ron Gula will review recent converging trends in configuration hardening and vulnerability management “standards” such as CVSS, CIS and SCAP. The discussion will include how these configurations can help/hurt thwarting hackers, being compliant and operating a well-run network. If the ease of hacking a “mono-culture” network or the difficultly of managing an out-of-control mess of system configurations concerns you, this talk is for you.
Gula is one of the leading experts in the fields of network and data security. He began his career while working at the National Security Agency conducting penetration tests of government networks and performing advanced vulnerability research. Prior to founding Tenable, Gula authored the original Dragon Intrusion Detection System.
August 27, 2007
1:39 p.m. EDT
Sheraton Inner HarborBaltimore, MD
For additional information, please visit http://www.fbcinc.com/event.aspx?eventid=Q6UJ9A00E06F
or contact:Patrice Bourgeois (410) 872-0555
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