Tenable Network Security Podcast - Episode 51
Welcome to the Tenable Network Security Podcast - Episode 51
Hosts: Paul Asadoorian, Product Evangelist & Kelly Todd, Compliance Analyst
- Several new blog posts have been published this past week, including:
- Please join Tenable's own Ron Gula, Renaud Deraison, Marcus Ranum and Paul Asadoorian for a Security Showcase on October 6, from 8:30am to 2:00pm at the New York Marriott East Side, 525 Lexington Ave. at 49th Street in New York City. Breakfast and lunch will be provided during this half-day FREE event. Contact Donal McRae (dmcrae -at- tenablesecurity.com) to reserve your seat (space is limited for this event).
- Be certain to check out our video channel on YouTube that contains the latest Nessus and SecurityCenter 4 tutorials.
- We're hiring! - Visit the web site for more information about open positions.
- You can subscribe to the Tenable Network Security Podcast on iTunes!
- Tenable Tweets - You can find us on Twitter at http://twitter.com/tenablesecurity where we make various announcements, provide Nessus plugin statistics and more!
Paul talks about the Brucon security conference, including Nessus training, presentations, and more!
- Results of an SSH Honeypot
- Is that PDF so scary?
- Windows Mobile 6.5 Phonecall Shellcode
- MS10-070 Released OOB - We released Nessus Plugin 49695 to detect this patch.
- Podcast