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20 Ways Your IT Team Makes You Look Like a Hero

IT leaders often don’t get a lot of credit for the work that they and their teams do to support and protect their businesses. But by working as a team, IT staff can help their directors shine like heroes. David Spark asked over two dozen IT professionals, “How does your IT team make you look like a hero?” He shares their answers in 20 Ways Your IT Team Makes You Look Like a Hero, an article on CIO, the trusted online news and thought leadership site for Chief Information Officers and IT leaders.

For example, Steven Russo, EVP of Certainsafe replied to David, "My staff continues to demonstrate that no single member of our organization is as powerful as when our combined expertise, talent, and teamwork have us all moving in the same direction. They continue to make upper management look like heroes or stars."

David’s article appears on behalf of Tenable Network Security as part of a BrandPost initiative that CIO.com is hosting. Over the next 90 days, Tenable will share several insightful articles about cybersecurity directly with readers of the CIO website.

Read the article at CIO

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