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OWASP: From FROC to SecurityCenter

The Front Range OWASP Conference (FROC) 2010 was held in Denver, Colorado last week and provided a full day of talks and events aimed at a wide variety of information security professionals. The event featured three speaker tracks: “App Sec/Technical”, “Cloud/Mobile/Emerging” and “Management/Executive” as well as a panel discussion and Capture the Flag (CTF) contest. Since 2003, OWASP has maintained and updated the OWASP Top 10 list to categorize and prioritize web application risks as they have evolved over the years, and the list has become a popular tool for helping organizations assess risk and formulate their remediation strategies.

Tenable’s SecurityCenter 4 includes several template reports based on the OWASP Top 10 2010 list, such as:

A1 - Injection

A2 - Cross Site Scripting

A3 - Broken Authentication and Session Management

A4 - Insecure Direct Object References

A10 - Insufficient Transport Layer Protocol


OWASP Template Reports as seen in SecurityCenter 4

A detailed description of the report source and parameters is displayed in the “Description” field of SecurityCenter 4’s “Load Template” option and selected targets can be applied to each element within the template. Other pre-defined templates based on various security industry standards include SANS CAG, PCI DSS, CIS and FISMA. Tenable’s Support Portal also provides an “OWASP Best Practice Recommendations for PHP” configuration file that can be used with SecurityCenter 4 or a stand-alone Nessus scanner.

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