Minimize the admission of containers wishing to share the host network namespace




Do not generally permit containers to be run with the 'hostNetwork' flag set to true.


A container running in the host's network namespace could access the local loopback device, and could access network traffic to and from other pods.

There should be at least one PodSecurityPolicy (PSP) defined which does not permit containers to share the host network namespace.

If you have need to run containers which require hostNetwork, this should be defined in a separate PSP and you should carefully check RBAC controls to ensure that only limited service accounts and users are given permission to access that PSP.

Pods defined with 'spec.hostNetwork: true' will not be permitted unless they are run under a specific PSP.


Create a PSP as described in the Kubernetes documentation, ensuring that the '.spec.hostNetwork' field is omitted or set to false.