Ensure Logging is enabled for HTTP(S) Load Balancer




Logging enabled on a HTTPS Load Balancer will show all network traffic and its destination.


Logging will allow you to view HTTPS network traffic to your web applications.

On high use systems with a high percentage sample rate, the logging file may grow to high capacity in a short amount of time. Ensure that the sample rate is set appropriately so that storage costs are not exorbitant.


From Google Cloud Console

  1. From Google Cloud home open the Navigation Menu in the top left.

  2. Under the 'Networking' heading select 'Network services'.

  3. Select the HTTPS load-balancer you wish to audit.

  4. Select 'Edit' then 'Backend Configuration'.

  5. Select 'Edit' on the corresponding backend service.

  6. Click 'Enable Logging'.

  7. Set 'Sample Rate' to a desired value. This is a percentage as a decimal point. 1.0 is 100%.

From Google Cloud CLI

  1. Run the following command

gcloud compute backend-services update --region=REGION --enable-logging --logging-sample-rate=

Policy Details

Rule Reference ID: AC_GCP_0368
Remediation Available: Yes
Resource Category: Compute
Resource Type: Virtual Machine
