Ensure the Storage Container Storing the Activity Logs is not Publicly Accessible




The storage account container containing the activity log export should not be publicly accessible.


Allowing public access to activity log content may aid an adversary in identifying weaknesses in the affected account's use or configuration.

Configuring container 'Access policy' to 'private' will remove access from the container for everyone except owners of the storage account. Access policy needs to be set explicitly in order to allow access to other desired users.


From Azure Portal

  1. From Azure Home select the Portal Menu
  2. Search for 'Storage Accounts' to access Storage account blade
  3. Click on the storage account name
  4. Click on 'Configuration' under settings
  5. Select 'Enabled' under "Allow Blob public access"

From Azure CLI

az storage container set-permission --name insights-activity-logs --account-name --sas-token --public-access off

From PowerShell

Create a new storage account context for the storage account holding the 'insight-activity-logs' container making sure to use a valid 'Shared Access Signature (SAS)' token.

$context = New-AzStorageContext -StorageAccountName -SasToken ""

Change the 'insights-activity-logs' container public access to 'off'

Set-AzStorageContainerAcl -Context $context -Name "insights-activity-logs" -Permission Off -PassThru