Ensure there is no policy with wildcards (*) used in principal for Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS) Topic



Setting a Principal in an access policy will effectively grant users, accounts, or services with access to a specific resource. Using wildcards for a policy Principal may lead to unauthorized access and is not considered best practice. While there may be other mitigating circumstances, it is best to ensure that the Principal is configured for a specific user or group.


In AWS Console -

  1. Sign in to the AWS console and go to the SNS console.
  2. In the Navigation pane, select Topics.
  3. In the list of Topics, select the Topic to edit.
  4. Expand the Access section, and then edit the policy.
  5. Select Save changes.

In Terraform -

  1. Review the policy attached to the aws_sns_topic resource and ensure necessary changes are made.

Policy Details

Rule Reference ID: AC_AWS_0620
Remediation Available: Yes
Resource: aws_sns_topic
Resource Category: Messaging
