Ensure only uppercase letters, lowercase letters and numbers are used in Sid element in AWS IAM Policy



Unsupported Sid: Update the characters in the Sid element to use one of the following character types: [a-z, A-Z, 0-9].


In AWS Console -

  1. Sign in to the AWS console and go to the IAM console.
  2. In the Navigation pane, select Policies.
  3. In the list of policies, select the policy to edit.
  4. Select the Permissions tab, and then choose Edit policy.
  5. On the review page, review the changes and click Save.

In Terraform -

  1. In the aws_iam_policy, aws_iam_role_policy, aws_iam_group_policy, and aws_iam_user_policy resources, edit the policy field so that the allowed Action list and/or Principal have appropriate values rather than a wildcard.
  2. Update the Resource ARN list to use specific IDs with valid regions rather than a wildcard.
  3. When using a SID for the policy, ensure it is in the appropriate format. The SID field can only accept letters and numbers.
    For more information on how to effectively write an IAM policy see the AWS and Terraform documentation.


Policy Details

Rule Reference ID: AC_AWS_0472
Remediation Available: Yes
Resource: aws_iam_policy
Resource Type: Policy
