



The information system identifies [Assignment: organization-defined unacceptable mobile code] and takes [Assignment: organization-defined corrective actions].


Corrective actions when unacceptable mobile code is detected include, for example, blocking, quarantine, or alerting administrators. Blocking includes, for example, preventing transmission of word processing files with embedded macros when such macros have been defined to be unacceptable mobile code.

Reference Item Details


Parent Title: MOBILE CODE


Audit Items

View all Reference Audit Items

NamePluginAudit Name
7.3 Set 'Mime Sniffing Safety Feature' to 'Enabled'WindowsCIS IE 10 v1.1.0
7.6 Set 'Consistent Mime Handling' to 'Enabled'WindowsCIS IE 10 v1.1.0
8.1.34 Set 'Don't run antimalware programs against ActiveX controls' to 'Enabled:Disabled'WindowsCIS IE 11 v1.0.0
8.2.4 Set 'Don't run antimalware programs against ActiveX controls' to 'Enabled:Disabled'WindowsCIS IE 11 v1.0.0
8.3.42 Set 'Don't run antimalware programs against ActiveX controls' to 'Enabled:Disabled'WindowsCIS IE 11 v1.0.0
8.4.3 Set 'Don't run antimalware programs against ActiveX controls' to 'Enabled:Disabled'WindowsCIS IE 11 v1.0.0
8.5.3 Set 'Don't run antimalware programs against ActiveX controls' to 'Enabled:Disabled'WindowsCIS IE 11 v1.0.0
Always open untrusted database files in Protected ViewWindowsMSCT Microsoft 365 Apps for Enterprise 2206 v1.0.0
Always open untrusted database files in Protected ViewWindowsMSCT Office 365 ProPlus 1908 v1.0.0
Always open untrusted database files in Protected ViewWindowsMSCT Microsoft 365 Apps for Enterprise 2112 v1.0.0
Always prevent untrusted Microsoft Query files from openingWindowsMSCT Microsoft 365 Apps for Enterprise 2206 v1.0.0
Always prevent untrusted Microsoft Query files from openingWindowsMSCT Microsoft 365 Apps for Enterprise 2112 v1.0.0
Always prevent untrusted Microsoft Query files from openingWindowsMSCT Office 365 ProPlus 1908 v1.0.0
ARDC-CL-000005 - Adobe Reader DC must enable Enhanced Security in a Standalone Application.WindowsDISA STIG Adobe Acrobat Reader DC Classic Track v2r1
ARDC-CL-000010 - Adobe Reader DC must enable Enhanced Security in a Browser.WindowsDISA STIG Adobe Acrobat Reader DC Classic Track v2r1
ARDC-CL-000015 - Adobe Reader DC must enable Protected Mode.WindowsDISA STIG Adobe Acrobat Reader DC Classic Track v2r1
ARDC-CL-000020 - Adobe Reader DC must enable Protected View.WindowsDISA STIG Adobe Acrobat Reader DC Classic Track v2r1
ARDC-CL-000030 - Adobe Reader DC must block access to Unknown Websites.WindowsDISA STIG Adobe Acrobat Reader DC Classic Track v2r1
ARDC-CL-000035 - Adobe Reader DC must prevent opening files other than PDF or FDF.WindowsDISA STIG Adobe Acrobat Reader DC Classic Track v2r1
ARDC-CL-000045 - Adobe Reader DC must block Flash Content.WindowsDISA STIG Adobe Acrobat Reader DC Classic Track v2r1
ARDC-CN-000005 - Adobe Reader DC must enable Enhanced Security in a Standalone Application.WindowsDISA STIG Adobe Acrobat Reader DC Continuous Track v2r1
ARDC-CN-000010 - Adobe Reader DC must enable Enhanced Security in a Browser.WindowsDISA STIG Adobe Acrobat Reader DC Continuous Track v2r1
ARDC-CN-000015 - Adobe Reader DC must enable Protected Mode.WindowsDISA STIG Adobe Acrobat Reader DC Continuous Track v2r1
ARDC-CN-000020 - Adobe Reader DC must enable Protected View.WindowsDISA STIG Adobe Acrobat Reader DC Continuous Track v2r1
ARDC-CN-000030 - Adobe Reader DC must block access to Unknown Websites.WindowsDISA STIG Adobe Acrobat Reader DC Continuous Track v2r1
ARDC-CN-000035 - Adobe Reader DC must prevent opening files other than PDF or FDF.WindowsDISA STIG Adobe Acrobat Reader DC Continuous Track v2r1
ARDC-CN-000045 - Adobe Reader DC must block Flash Content.WindowsDISA STIG Adobe Acrobat Reader DC Continuous Track v2r1
AS24-U2-000030 - The Apache web server must use encryption strength in accordance with the categorization of data hosted by the Apache web server when remote connections are provided.UnixDISA STIG Apache Server 2.4 Unix Site v2r4
AS24-U2-000030 - The Apache web server must use encryption strength in accordance with the categorization of data hosted by the Apache web server when remote connections are provided.UnixDISA STIG Apache Server 2.4 Unix Site v2r4 Middleware
AS24-W2-000890 - An Apache web server must maintain the confidentiality of controlled information during transmission through the use of an approved TLS version - SSLEngineWindowsDISA STIG Apache Server 2.4 Windows Site v2r1
AS24-W2-000890 - An Apache web server must maintain the confidentiality of controlled information during transmission through the use of an approved TLS version - SSLProtocolWindowsDISA STIG Apache Server 2.4 Windows Site v2r1
DTBC-0069 - Guest Mode must be disabled.WindowsDISA STIG Google Chrome v2r9
DTBC-0070 - AutoFill for credit cards must be disabled.WindowsDISA STIG Google Chrome v2r9
DTBC-0071 - AutoFill for addresses must be disabled.WindowsDISA STIG Google Chrome v2r9
DTBI590 - Internet Explorer Processes for MIME handling must be enforced (Reserved).WindowsDISA STIG Microsoft Internet Explorer 9 v1r15
DTBI590-IE11 - Internet Explorer Processes for MIME handling must be enforced. (Reserved)WindowsDISA STIG IE 11 v2r5
DTBI592 - Internet Explorer Processes for MIME handling must be enforced (Explorer).WindowsDISA STIG Microsoft Internet Explorer 9 v1r15
DTBI592-IE11 - Internet Explorer Processes for MIME handling must be enforced (Explorer).WindowsDISA STIG IE 11 v2r5
DTBI594 - Internet Explorer Processes for MIME handling must be enforced (IExplore).WindowsDISA STIG Microsoft Internet Explorer 9 v1r15
DTBI594-IE11 - Internet Explorer Processes for MIME handling must be enforced (iexplore).WindowsDISA STIG IE 11 v2r5
DTBI595 - Internet Explorer Processes for MIME sniffing must be enforced (Reserved).WindowsDISA STIG Microsoft Internet Explorer 9 v1r15
DTBI595-IE11 - Internet Explorer Processes for MIME sniffing must be enforced (Reserved).WindowsDISA STIG IE 11 v2r5
DTBI596 - Internet Explorer Processes for MIME sniffing must be enforced (Explorer).WindowsDISA STIG Microsoft Internet Explorer 9 v1r15
DTBI596-IE11 - Internet Explorer Processes for MIME sniffing must be enforced (Explorer).WindowsDISA STIG IE 11 v2r5
DTBI597 - Internet Explorer Processes for MIME sniffing must be enforced (IExplore).WindowsDISA STIG Microsoft Internet Explorer 9 v1r15
DTBI597-IE11 - Internet Explorer Processes for MIME sniffing must be enforced (iexplore).WindowsDISA STIG IE 11 v2r5
DTBI740 - Managing SmartScreen Filter use must be enforced.WindowsDISA STIG Microsoft Internet Explorer 9 v1r15
DTOO105 - Excel - Open/Save actions for Excel 4 macrosheets and add-in files must be blocked.WindowsDISA STIG Office 2010 Excel v1r11
DTOO105 - Open/Save actions for Excel 4 macrosheets and add-in files must be blocked.WindowsDISA STIG Microsoft Excel 2013 v1r8
DTOO105 - Open/Save actions for Excel 4 macrosheets and add-in files must be blocked.WindowsDISA STIG Microsoft Excel 2016 v2r1