

Maintenance, Monitoring and Analysis of Audit Logs

Reference Item Details

Category: Maintenance, Monitoring and Analysis of Audit Logs

Audit Items

View all Reference Audit Items

NamePluginAudit Name
1.1.8 Set 'aaa accounting exec'CiscoCIS Cisco IOS 17 L2 v2.0.0
1.1.8 Set 'aaa accounting exec' - aaa accounting execCiscoCIS Cisco IOS 16 L2 v2.0.0
1.1.9 Set 'aaa accounting exec'CiscoCIS Cisco IOS 15 L2 v4.1.0
1.1.9 Set 'aaa accounting exec'CiscoCIS Cisco IOS 17 L2 v1.0.0
1.1.9 Set 'aaa accounting exec'CiscoCIS Cisco IOS 15 L2 v4.1.1
1.1.9 Set 'aaa accounting exec'CiscoCIS Cisco IOS 16 L2 v1.1.2
1.1.9 Set 'aaa accounting network'CiscoCIS Cisco IOS 17 L2 v2.0.0
1.1.9 Set 'aaa accounting network' - aaa accounting networkCiscoCIS Cisco IOS 16 L2 v2.0.0
1.1.10 Set 'aaa accounting exec'CiscoCIS Cisco IOS 16 L2 v1.1.1
1.1.10 Set 'aaa accounting network'CiscoCIS Cisco IOS 15 L2 v4.0.1
1.1.10 Set 'aaa accounting network'CiscoCIS Cisco IOS 15 L2 v4.1.1
1.1.10 Set 'aaa accounting network'CiscoCIS Cisco IOS 15 L2 v4.1.0
1.1.10 Set 'aaa accounting network'CiscoCIS Cisco IOS 16 L2 v1.1.2
1.1.10 Set 'aaa accounting network'CiscoCIS Cisco IOS 17 L2 v1.0.0
1.1.10 Set 'aaa accounting system'CiscoCIS Cisco IOS 17 L2 v2.0.0
1.1.10 Set 'aaa accounting system' - aaa accounting systemCiscoCIS Cisco IOS 16 L2 v2.0.0
1.1.11 Set 'aaa accounting network'CiscoCIS Cisco IOS 16 L2 v1.1.0
1.1.11 Set 'aaa accounting network'CiscoCIS Cisco IOS 16 L2 v1.1.1
1.1.11 Set 'aaa accounting system'CiscoCIS Cisco IOS 17 L2 v1.0.0
1.1.11 Set 'aaa accounting system'CiscoCIS Cisco IOS 15 L2 v4.1.0
1.1.11 Set 'aaa accounting system'CiscoCIS Cisco IOS 15 L2 v4.1.1
1.1.11 Set 'aaa accounting system'CiscoCIS Cisco IOS 16 L2 v1.1.2
1.1.12 Set 'aaa accounting system'CiscoCIS Cisco IOS 16 L2 v1.1.1
1.2.15 Ensure that the --profiling argument is set to falseUnixCIS Kubernetes Benchmark v1.9.0 L1 Master
1.2.16 Ensure that the --profiling argument is set to falseUnixCIS Kubernetes Benchmark v1.8.0 L1 Master
1.2.17 Ensure that the --profiling argument is set to falseUnixCIS Kubernetes v1.23 Benchmark v1.0.1 L1 Master
1.2.17 Ensure that the --profiling argument is set to falseUnixCIS Kubernetes v1.24 Benchmark v1.0.0 L1 Master
1.2.17 Ensure that the --profiling argument is set to falseUnixCIS Kubernetes Benchmark v1.7.1 L1 Master
1.2.20 Ensure that the --profiling argument is set to falseUnixCIS Kubernetes v1.20 Benchmark v1.0.1 L1 Master
1.6.4 Configure NTP AuthenticationCiscoCIS Cisco NX-OS L2 v1.0.0
1.7.4 Configure NTP AuthenticationCiscoCIS Cisco NX-OS L2 v1.1.0
2.3 Ensure that retention policies on log buckets are configured using Bucket LockGCPCIS Google Cloud Platform v1.1.0 L1
3.1.14 Ensure 'debug_print_parse' is disabledPostgreSQLDBCIS PostgreSQL 10 DB v1.0.0
3.1.14 Ensure 'debug_print_parse' is disabledPostgreSQLDBCIS PostgreSQL 9.6 DB v1.0.0
3.1.15 Ensure 'debug_print_rewritten' is disabledPostgreSQLDBCIS PostgreSQL 9.6 DB v1.0.0
3.1.15 Ensure 'debug_print_rewritten' is disabledPostgreSQLDBCIS PostgreSQL 10 DB v1.0.0
3.1.15 Ensure 'log_min_duration_statement' is disabledPostgreSQLDBCIS PostgreSQL 9.5 DB v1.1.0
3.1.16 Ensure 'debug_print_parse' is disabledPostgreSQLDBCIS PostgreSQL 9.5 DB v1.1.0
3.1.16 Ensure 'debug_print_plan' is disabledPostgreSQLDBCIS PostgreSQL 9.6 DB v1.0.0
3.1.16 Ensure 'debug_print_plan' is disabledPostgreSQLDBCIS PostgreSQL 10 DB v1.0.0
3.1.17 Ensure 'debug_print_rewritten' is disabledPostgreSQLDBCIS PostgreSQL 9.5 DB v1.1.0
3.1.18 Ensure 'debug_print_plan' is disabledPostgreSQLDBCIS PostgreSQL 9.5 DB v1.1.0
3.1.21 Ensure 'log_hostname' is set correctlyPostgreSQLDBCIS PostgreSQL 9.6 DB v1.0.0
3.1.21 Ensure 'log_hostname' is set correctlyPostgreSQLDBCIS PostgreSQL 10 DB v1.0.0
3.1.25 Ensure 'log_hostname' is set correctlyPostgreSQLDBCIS PostgreSQL 9.5 DB v1.1.0
3.1.31 Ensure 'log_parser_stats' is disabledPostgreSQLDBCIS PostgreSQL 9.5 DB v1.1.0
3.1.32 Ensure 'log_planner_stats' is disabledPostgreSQLDBCIS PostgreSQL 9.5 DB v1.1.0
3.1.33 Ensure 'log_executor_stats' is disabledPostgreSQLDBCIS PostgreSQL 9.5 DB v1.1.0
3.1.34 Ensure 'log_statement_stats' is disabledPostgreSQLDBCIS PostgreSQL 9.5 DB v1.1.0
3.2 Ensure CloudTrail log file validation is enabledamazon_awsCIS Amazon Web Services Foundations L2 1.3.0