



The information system enforces approved authorizations for logical access to information and system resources in accordance with applicable access control policies.


Access control policies (e.g., identity-based policies, role-based policies, control matrices, cryptography) control access between active entities or subjects (i.e., users or processes acting on behalf of users) and passive entities or objects (e.g., devices, files, records, domains) in information systems. In addition to enforcing authorized access at the information system level and recognizing that information systems can host many applications and services in support of organizational missions and business operations, access enforcement mechanisms can also be employed at the application and service level to provide increased information security.

Reference Item Details

Related: AC-16,AC-17,AC-18,AC-19,AC-2,AC-20,AC-21,AC-22,AC-4,AC-5,AC-6,AU-9,CM-11,CM-5,CM-6,MA-3,MA-4,MA-5,PE-3



Priority: P1

Baseline Impact: LOW,MODERATE,HIGH

Audit Items

View all Reference Audit Items

NamePluginAudit Name
1. OpenStack Compute - Policy.json - 'os_compute_api:os-cells:delete'UnixTNS OpenStack Nova/Compute Security Guide
1. OpenStack Identity - Policy.json - 'identity:update_domain_config'UnixTNS OpenStack Keystone/Identity Security Guide
1. OpenStack Networking - Policy.json - 'get_loadbalancer-agent'UnixTNS OpenStack Neutron/Networking Security Guide
1.1.1 Enable 'aaa new-model'CiscoCIS Cisco IOS 12 L1 v4.0.0
1.1.1 Enable 'aaa new-model'CiscoCIS Cisco IOS 15 L1 v4.0.1
1.1.1 Enable 'aaa new-model'CiscoCIS Cisco IOS 16 L1 v1.1.0
1.1.1 Ensure that the API server pod specification file permissions are set to 600 or more restrictiveUnixCIS Kubernetes v1.24 Benchmark v1.0.0 L1 Master
1.1.1 Ensure that the API server pod specification file permissions are set to 600 or more restrictiveUnixCIS Kubernetes v1.23 Benchmark v1.0.1 L1 Master
1.1.1 Ensure that the API server pod specification file permissions are set to 600 or more restrictiveUnixCIS Kubernetes v1.20 Benchmark v1.0.1 L1 Master
1.1.1 Ensure that the API server pod specification file permissions are set to 600 or more restrictiveUnixCIS Kubernetes Benchmark v1.9.0 L1 Master
1.1.1 Ensure that the API server pod specification file permissions are set to 600 or more restrictiveOpenShiftCIS RedHat OpenShift Container Platform v1.6.0 L1 Set 'System objects: Default owner for objects created by members of the Administrators group' to 'Object creator'WindowsCIS Windows 2003 MS v3.1.0 Set 'System objects: Default owner for objects created by members of the Administrators group' to 'Object creator'WindowsCIS Windows 2003 DC v3.1.0 Configure 'DCOM: Machine Access Restrictions in Security Descriptor Definition Language (SDDL) syntax'WindowsCIS Windows 2003 DC v3.1.0 Configure 'DCOM: Machine Access Restrictions in Security Descriptor Definition Language (SDDL) syntax'WindowsCIS Windows 2003 MS v3.1.0 URL Syntax That Includes User name and Password: Level I Enabled - excel.exeWindowsCIS MS Office 2007 v1.1.0 L1 URL Syntax That Includes User name and Password: Level I Enabled - groove.exeWindowsCIS MS Office 2007 v1.1.0 L1 URL Syntax That Includes User name and Password: Level I Enabled - onent.exeWindowsCIS MS Office 2007 v1.1.0 L1 URL Syntax That Includes User name and Password: Level I Enabled - outlook.exeWindowsCIS MS Office 2007 v1.1.0 L1 URL Syntax That Includes User name and Password: Level I Enabled - powerpnt.exeWindowsCIS MS Office 2007 v1.1.0 L1 URL Syntax That Includes User name and Password: Level I Enabled - pptview.exeWindowsCIS MS Office 2007 v1.1.0 L1 URL Syntax That Includes User name and Password: Level I Enabled - spDesign.exeWindowsCIS MS Office 2007 v1.1.0 L1 URL Syntax That Includes User name and Password: Level I Enabled - visio.exeWindowsCIS MS Office 2007 v1.1.0 L1 URL Syntax That Includes User name and Password: Level I Enabled - winword.exeWindowsCIS MS Office 2007 v1.1.0 L1
1.1.10 Ensure nodev option set on /dev/shm partitionUnixCIS Google Container-Optimized OS L1 Server v1.1.0
1.1.10 Ensure noexec option set on /var/tmp partitionUnixCIS SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 L1 v2.1.1
1.1.10 Ensure noexec option set on /var/tmp partitionUnixCIS SUSE Linux Enterprise Workstation 11 L1 v2.1.1
1.1.10 Ensure separate partition exists for /varUnixCIS Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 STIG v2.0.0 L2 Server
1.1.10 Ensure separate partition exists for /varUnixCIS Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 STIG v2.0.0 L2 Workstation
1.1.11 Ensure nosuid option set on /dev/shm partitionUnixCIS Google Container-Optimized OS L1 Server v1.1.0
1.1.11 Ensure separate partition exists for /var/tmpUnixCIS Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 STIG v2.0.0 L2 Workstation
1.1.11 Ensure separate partition exists for /var/tmpUnixCIS Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 STIG v2.0.0 L2 Server
1.1.11 Ensure that the admission control plugin AlwaysPullImages is setUnixCIS Kubernetes 1.13 Benchmark v1.4.1 L1
1.1.11 Ensure that the etcd data directory permissions are set to 700 or more restrictiveUnixCIS Kubernetes v1.24 Benchmark v1.0.0 L1 Master
1.1.11 Ensure that the etcd data directory permissions are set to 700 or more restrictiveUnixCIS Kubernetes Benchmark v1.9.0 L1 Master
1.1.11 Ensure that the etcd data directory permissions are set to 700 or more restrictiveOpenShiftCIS RedHat OpenShift Container Platform v1.6.0 L1
1.1.11 Ensure that the etcd data directory permissions are set to 700 or more restrictiveUnixCIS Kubernetes v1.23 Benchmark v1.0.1 L1 Master
1.1.11 Ensure that the etcd data directory permissions are set to 700 or more restrictiveUnixCIS Kubernetes v1.20 Benchmark v1.0.1 L1 Master
1.1.12 Ensure /var/tmp partition includes the noexec optionUnixCIS Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 STIG v2.0.0 L1 Server
1.1.12 Ensure /var/tmp partition includes the noexec optionUnixCIS Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 STIG v2.0.0 L1 Workstation
1.1.12 Ensure that the etcd data directory ownership is set to etcd:etcdUnixCIS Kubernetes v1.23 Benchmark v1.0.1 L1 Master
1.1.12 Ensure that the etcd data directory ownership is set to etcd:etcdUnixCIS Kubernetes Benchmark v1.9.0 L1 Master
1.1.12 Ensure that the etcd data directory ownership is set to etcd:etcdUnixCIS Kubernetes v1.20 Benchmark v1.0.1 L1 Master
1.1.12 Ensure that the etcd data directory ownership is set to etcd:etcdUnixCIS Kubernetes v1.24 Benchmark v1.0.0 L1 Master Disable user name and password: Level I EnabledWindowsCIS MS Office 2007 v1.1.0 L1
1.1.13 Ensure /var/tmp partition includes the nodev optionUnixCIS Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 STIG v2.0.0 L1 Server
1.1.13 Ensure /var/tmp partition includes the nodev optionUnixCIS Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 STIG v2.0.0 L1 Workstation
1.1.13 Ensure that the admin.conf file permissions are set to 600UnixCIS Kubernetes v1.23 Benchmark v1.0.1 L1 Master
1.1.13 Ensure that the admin.conf file permissions are set to 600UnixCIS Kubernetes v1.24 Benchmark v1.0.0 L1 Master
1.1.13 Ensure that the admin.conf file permissions are set to 600 or more restrictiveUnixCIS Kubernetes v1.20 Benchmark v1.0.1 L1 Master