1.1 Verify all Apple provided software is current | SYSTEM AND INFORMATION INTEGRITY |
1.3 Enable app update installs | SYSTEM AND INFORMATION INTEGRITY |
1.4 Enable system data files and security update installs - 'ConfigDataInstall' | SYSTEM AND INFORMATION INTEGRITY |
1.4 Enable system data files and security update installs - 'CriticalUpdateInstall' | SYSTEM AND INFORMATION INTEGRITY |
1.5 Enable OS X update installs | SYSTEM AND INFORMATION INTEGRITY |
2.1.1 Disable Bluetooth, if no paired devices exist - Bluetooth is disabled | |
2.1.1 Disable Bluetooth, if no paired devices exist - Bluetooth is paired | |
2.1.2 Disable Bluetooth 'Discoverable' mode when not pairing devices | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
2.1.3 Show Bluetooth status in menu bar | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
2.2.2 Ensure time set is within appropriate limits | |
2.3.1 Set an inactivity interval of 20 minutes or less for the screen saver | ACCESS CONTROL |
2.3.3 Verify Display Sleep is set to a value larger than the Screen Saver | ACCESS CONTROL |
2.3.4 Set a screen corner to Start Screen Saver | ACCESS CONTROL |
2.4.1 Disable Remote Apple Events | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
2.4.2 Disable Internet Sharing | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
2.4.3 Disable Screen Sharing | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
2.4.4 Disable Printer Sharing | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
2.4.5 Disable Remote Login | ACCESS CONTROL |
2.4.6 Disable DVD or CD Sharing | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
2.4.7 Disable Bluetooth Sharing | |
2.4.8 Disable File Sharing - AppleFileServer | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
2.4.8 Disable File Sharing - SMB | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
2.4.9 Disable Remote Management - 'ARDAgent file does not exist' | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
2.4.9 Disable Remote Management - 'ARDAgent is not running' | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
2.6.1 Enable FileVault - Encryption Status | SYSTEM AND COMMUNICATIONS PROTECTION |
2.6.1 Enable FileVault - Encryption Type | SYSTEM AND COMMUNICATIONS PROTECTION |
2.6.2 Enable Gatekeeper | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
2.6.4 Enable Firewall Stealth Mode | SYSTEM AND COMMUNICATIONS PROTECTION |
2.6.5 Review Application Firewall Rules | SYSTEM AND COMMUNICATIONS PROTECTION |
2.8 Pair the remote control infrared receiver if enabled | |
2.8 Pair the remote control infrared receiver if enabled - 'DeviceEnabled = 1' | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
2.8 Pair the remote control infrared receiver if enabled - 'UIDFilter != none' | ACCESS CONTROL |
2.9 Enable Secure Keyboard Entry in terminal.app | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
3.1.1 Retain system.log for 90 or more days | AUDIT AND ACCOUNTABILITY |
3.1.2 Retain appfirewall.log for 90 or more days | AUDIT AND ACCOUNTABILITY |
3.1.3 Retain authd.log for 90 or more days | AUDIT AND ACCOUNTABILITY |
3.2 Enable security auditing | AUDIT AND ACCOUNTABILITY |
3.5 Retain install.log for 365 or more days | AUDIT AND ACCOUNTABILITY |
4.2 Enable 'Show Wi-Fi status in menu bar' | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
4.4 Ensure http server is not running | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
4.5 Ensure ftp server is not running | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
4.6 Ensure nfs server is not running | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
5.1.1 Secure Home Folders | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
5.1.2 Check System Wide Applications for appropriate permissions | ACCESS CONTROL |
5.1.3 Check System folder for world writable files | ACCESS CONTROL |
5.2.1 Configure account lockout threshold | ACCESS CONTROL |
5.2.2 Set a minimum password length | IDENTIFICATION AND AUTHENTICATION |
5.2.3 Complex passwords must contain an Alphabetic Character - '1 letter' | IDENTIFICATION AND AUTHENTICATION |