2.1 Ensure that authentication is enabled for MongoDB databases | IDENTIFICATION AND AUTHENTICATION |
2.2 Ensure that MongoDB does not bypass authentication via the localhost exception | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
2.3 Ensure authentication is enabled in the sharded cluster | IDENTIFICATION AND AUTHENTICATION |
3.2 Ensure that MongoDB only listens for network connections on authorized interfaces | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
3.3 Ensure that MongoDB is run using a non-privileged, dedicated service account | |
4.1 Ensure TLS or SSL protects all network communications | SYSTEM AND COMMUNICATIONS PROTECTION |
4.2 Ensure Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) is enabled | SYSTEM AND COMMUNICATIONS PROTECTION |
5.1 Ensure that system activity is audited | AUDIT AND ACCOUNTABILITY |
5.2 Ensure that audit filters are configured properly | AUDIT AND ACCOUNTABILITY |
6.1 Mongodb Database Running with Least Privileges | |
6.2 Ensure that MongoDB uses a non-default port | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
7.1 Ensure that key file permissions are set correctly | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
7.2 Ensure that database file permissions are set correctly | CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT |
CIS_MongoDB_3.2_Benchmark_Level_1_OS_Windows_v1.0.0.audit from CIS MongoDB 3.2 Benchmark v1.0.0 | |