CIS Microsoft Edge L2 v2.0.0

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Audit Details

Name: CIS Microsoft Edge L2 v2.0.0

Updated: 10/28/2024

Authority: CIS

Plugin: Windows

Revision: 1.2

Estimated Item Count: 41

File Details

Filename: CIS_Microsoft_Edge_v2.0.0_L2.audit

Size: 77.2 kB

MD5: b70bb8d3378050b9445b5e8b1d254782
SHA256: 186838a3cc03591b0c51d2dcde68562e9584b02e2684065a37236272ae0709ed

Audit Items

1.3.1 Ensure 'Allow read access via the File System API on these sites' is set to 'Disabled'
1.3.2 Ensure 'Choose whether users can receive customized background images and text, suggestions, notifications, and tips for Microsoft services' is set to 'Disabled'
1.3.4 Ensure 'Control use of JavaScript JIT' is set to 'Enabled: Do not allow any site to run JavaScript JIT'
1.3.5 Ensure 'Control use of the File System API for reading' is set to 'Enabled: Don't allow any site to request read access to files and directories'
1.3.7 Ensure 'Control use of the Web Bluetooth API' is set to 'Enabled: Do not allow any site to request access to Bluetooth'
1.3.8 Ensure 'Control use of the WebHID API' is set to 'Enabled: Do not allow any site to request access to HID devices via the WebHID API'
1.6.1 Ensure 'Configure extension management settings' is set to 'Enabled: *'
1.7.3 Ensure 'Supported authentication schemes' is set to 'Enabled: ntlm, negotiate'
1.25 Ensure 'Allow features to download assets from the Asset Delivery Service' is set to 'Disabled'
1.26 Ensure 'Allow file selection dialogs' is set to 'Disabled'
1.36 Ensure 'Allow or block audio capture' is set to 'Disabled'
1.37 Ensure 'Allow or block video capture' is set to 'Disabled'
1.38 Ensure 'Allow or deny screen capture' is set to 'Disabled'
1.43 Ensure 'Allow unconfigured sites to be reloaded in Internet Explorer mode' is set to 'Disabled'
1.45 Ensure 'Allow users to open files using the ClickOnce protocol' is set to 'Disabled'
1.46 Ensure 'Allow users to open files using the DirectInvoke protocol' is set to 'Disabled'
1.47 Ensure 'Allow users to proceed from the HTTPS warning page' is set to 'Disabled'
1.49 Ensure 'AutoLaunch Protocols Component Enabled' is set to 'Disabled'
1.51 Ensure 'Block third party cookies' is set to 'Enabled'
1.53 Ensure 'Browser sign-in settings' is set to 'Enabled: Disable browser sign-in'
1.59 Ensure 'Configure Online Text To Speech' is set to 'Disabled'
1.61 Ensure 'Configure Speech Recognition' is set to 'Disabled'
1.68 Ensure 'Control use of the Headless Mode' is set to 'Disabled'
1.69 Ensure 'Control use of the Serial API' is set to 'Enable: Do not allow any site to request access to serial ports via the Serial API'
1.70 Ensure 'Control where security restrictions on insecure origins apply' is set to 'Disabled'
1.71 Ensure 'Default sensor setting' is set to 'Enabled: Do not allow any site to access sensors'
1.83 Ensure 'Enable Drop feature in Microsoft Edge' is set to 'Disabled'
1.86 Ensure 'Enable guest mode' is set to 'Disabled'
1.91 Ensure 'Enable Search suggestions' is set to 'Disabled'
1.94 Ensure 'Enable Translate' is set to 'Disabled'
1.97 Ensure 'Enforce Bing SafeSearch' is set to 'Enabled: Configure moderate search restrictions in Bing'
1.98 Ensure 'Enforce Google SafeSearch' is set to 'Enabled'
1.100 Ensure 'Enhanced Security Mode configuration for Intranet zone sites' is set to 'Disabled'
1.103 Ensure 'Let users snip a Math problem and get the solution with a step-by-step explanation in Microsoft Edge' is set to 'Disabled'
1.104 Ensure 'Live captions allowed' is set to 'Disabled'
1.111 Ensure 'Show an 'Always open' checkbox in external protocol dialog' is set to 'Disabled'
1.115 Ensure 'Specify if online OCSP/CRL checks are required for local trust anchors' is set to 'Enabled'
1.116 Ensure 'Spell checking provided by Microsoft Editor' is set to 'Disabled'
1.120 Ensure 'Tab Services enabled' is set to 'Disabled'
1.121 Ensure 'Text prediction enabled by default' is set to 'Disabled'
CIS_Microsoft_Edge_v2.0.0_L2.audit from CIS Microsoft Edge Benchmark