

Malware Defenses


Malware Defenses

Reference Item Details

Category: Malware Defenses

Family: System

Audit Items

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NamePluginAudit Name Set 'Interactive logon: Do not require CTRL+ALT+DEL' to 'Disabled'WindowsCIS Windows 8 L1 v1.0.0
1.1.19 Ensure noexec option set on removable media partitionsUnixCIS Debian 8 Workstation L1 v2.0.2
1.1.19 Ensure noexec option set on removable media partitionsUnixCIS Ubuntu Linux 14.04 LTS Workstation L1 v2.1.0
1.1.19 Ensure noexec option set on removable media partitionsUnixCIS Debian 8 Server L1 v2.0.2
1.1.19 Ensure noexec option set on removable media partitionsUnixCIS Ubuntu Linux 14.04 LTS Server L1 v2.1.0
1.1.20 Ensure noexec option set on removable media partitionsUnixCIS Distribution Independent Linux Server L1 v2.0.0
1.1.20 Ensure noexec option set on removable media partitionsUnixCIS Ubuntu Linux 18.04 LXD Host L1 Server v1.0.0
1.1.20 Ensure noexec option set on removable media partitionsUnixCIS Distribution Independent Linux Workstation L1 v2.0.0
1.1.20 Ensure noexec option set on removable media partitionsUnixCIS Ubuntu Linux 18.04 LXD Host L1 Workstation v1.0.0 Set 'Choose the boot-start drivers that can be initialized:' to 'Enabled:Good, unknown and bad but critical'WindowsCIS Windows 8 L1 v1.0.0
1.18 Ensure 'Scan device for security threats' is set to 'Enabled'MDMAirWatch - CIS Google Android v1.3.0 L1
1.18 Ensure 'Scan device for security threats' is set to 'Enabled'MDMMobileIron - CIS Google Android v1.3.0 L1
1.19 Ensure 'Improve harmful app detection' is set to 'Enabled'MDMMobileIron - CIS Google Android v1.3.0 L1
1.19 Ensure 'Improve harmful app detection' is set to 'Enabled'MDMAirWatch - CIS Google Android v1.3.0 L1
2.1 Ensure 'Block File Types' is configured to match the enterprise blacklistWindowsCIS Microsoft SharePoint 2016 OS v1.1.0
2.1 Ensure 'Blocked File Types' is configured to match the enterprise blacklistWindowsCIS Microsoft SharePoint 2019 OS v1.0.0 (L1) Ensure 'Interactive logon: Do not require CTRL+ALT+DEL' is set to 'Disabled'WindowsCIS Microsoft Windows 8.1 v2.4.1 L1 Bitlocker Ensure 'Interactive logon: Do not require CTRL+ALT+DEL' is set to 'Disabled'WindowsCIS Windows 7 Workstation Level 1 + Bitlocker v3.2.0 Ensure 'Interactive logon: Do not require CTRL+ALT+DEL' is set to 'Disabled'WindowsCIS Windows 7 Workstation Level 1 v3.2.0
18.4.9 (L1) Ensure 'MSS: (SafeDllSearchMode) Enable Safe DLL search mode (recommended)' is set to 'Enabled'WindowsCIS Microsoft Windows 8.1 v2.4.1 L1 Bitlocker
18.4.9 Ensure 'MSS: (SafeDllSearchMode) Enable Safe DLL search mode (recommended)' is set to 'Enabled'WindowsCIS Windows 7 Workstation Level 1 + Bitlocker v3.2.0
18.4.9 Ensure 'MSS: (SafeDllSearchMode) Enable Safe DLL search mode (recommended)' is set to 'Enabled'WindowsCIS Windows 7 Workstation Level 1 v3.2.0 (L1) Ensure 'Boot-Start Driver Initialization Policy' is set to 'Enabled: Good, unknown and bad but critical'WindowsCIS Microsoft Windows 8.1 v2.4.1 L1 Bitlocker (L1) Ensure 'Configure local setting override for reporting to Microsoft MAPS' is set to 'Disabled'WindowsCIS Microsoft Windows 8.1 v2.4.1 L1 Bitlocker
Boot-Start Driver Initialization PolicyWindowsMSCT Windows Server 2016 DC v1.0.0
Boot-Start Driver Initialization PolicyWindowsMSCT Windows Server v20H2 DC v1.0.0
Boot-Start Driver Initialization PolicyWindowsMSCT Windows 10 v2004 v1.0.0
Boot-Start Driver Initialization PolicyWindowsMSCT Windows 10 1903 v1.19.9
Boot-Start Driver Initialization PolicyWindowsMSCT Windows Server 1903 MS v1.19.9
Boot-Start Driver Initialization PolicyWindowsMSCT Windows Server v1909 DC v1.0.0
Boot-Start Driver Initialization PolicyWindowsMSCT Windows Server v1909 MS v1.0.0
Boot-Start Driver Initialization PolicyWindowsMSCT Windows Server 2016 MS v1.0.0
Boot-Start Driver Initialization PolicyWindowsMSCT Windows Server v20H2 MS v1.0.0
Boot-Start Driver Initialization PolicyWindowsMSCT Windows 10 v1507 v1.0.0
Boot-Start Driver Initialization PolicyWindowsMSCT Windows Server v2004 DC v1.0.0
Boot-Start Driver Initialization PolicyWindowsMSCT Windows 10 1809 v1.0.0
Boot-Start Driver Initialization PolicyWindowsMSCT Windows 10 1909 v1.0.0
Boot-Start Driver Initialization PolicyWindowsMSCT Windows 10 v20H2 v1.0.0
Boot-Start Driver Initialization PolicyWindowsMSCT Windows 10 v21H2 v1.0.0
Boot-Start Driver Initialization PolicyWindowsMSCT Windows Server 1903 DC v1.19.9
Boot-Start Driver Initialization PolicyWindowsMSCT Windows Server v2004 MS v1.0.0
Boot-Start Driver Initialization PolicyWindowsMSCT Windows Server 2019 DC v1.0.0
Boot-Start Driver Initialization PolicyWindowsMSCT Windows Server 2019 MS v1.0.0
Boot-Start Driver Initialization Policy - DriverLoadPolicyWindowsMSCT Windows 10 1803 v1.0.0
Ensure noexec option set on removable media partitionsUnixTenable Cisco Firepower Management Center OS Best Practices Audit
Interactive logon: Do not require CTRL+ALT+DELWindowsMSCT Windows Server 2012 R2 MS v1.0.0
Interactive logon: Do not require CTRL+ALT+DELWindowsMSCT Windows Server 2012 R2 DC v1.0.0
MSS: (SafeDLLSearchMode) Enable safe DLL search mode (Recommended)WindowsMSCT Windows Server 2012 R2 MS v1.0.0
MSS: (SafeDLLSearchMode) Enable safe DLL search mode (Recommended)WindowsMSCT Windows Server 2012 R2 DC v1.0.0