



The information system:


Time stamps generated by the information system include date and time. Time is commonly expressed in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), a modern continuation of Greenwich Mean Time (GMT), or local time with an offset from UTC. Granularity of time measurements refers to the degree of synchronization between information system clocks and reference clocks, for example, clocks synchronizing within hundreds of milliseconds or within tens of milliseconds. Organizations may define different time granularities for different system components. Time service can also be critical to other security capabilities such as access control and identification and authentication, depending on the nature of the mechanisms used to support those capabilities.

Reference Item Details

Related: AU-12,AU-3



Priority: P1

Baseline Impact: LOW,MODERATE,HIGH

Audit Items

View all Reference Audit Items

NamePluginAudit Name
1.3.5 Ensure 'Maximum tolerance for computer clock synchronization' is set to '5 or fewer minutes' (STIG DC only)WindowsCIS Microsoft Windows Server 2019 STIG v2.0.0 STIG DC
1.3.5 Ensure 'Maximum tolerance for computer clock synchronization' is set to '5 or fewer minutes' (STIG DC only)WindowsCIS Microsoft Windows Server 2022 STIG v1.0.0 STIG DC
1.3.5 Ensure 'Maximum tolerance for computer clock synchronization' is set to '5 or fewer minutes' (STIG DC only)WindowsCIS Microsoft Windows Server 2016 STIG v3.0.0 STIG DC
1.4 Ensure 'Allow queries to a Google time service' is set to 'Enabled'WindowsCIS Google Chrome L1 v3.0.0
1.6 Ensure clocks are synchronized on all nodesUnixCIS Apache Cassandra 3.11 L1 Unix Audit v1.0.0
1.6 Ensure clocks are synchronized on all nodesUnixCIS Apache Cassandra 3.11 L2 Unix Audit v1.0.0
1.6.2 Ensure redundant NTP servers are configured appropriatelyPalo_AltoCIS Palo Alto Firewall 11 v1.1.0 L1
1.6.2 Ensure redundant NTP servers are configured appropriatelyPalo_AltoCIS Palo Alto Firewall 10 v1.2.0 L1
1.6.2 Ensure redundant NTP servers are configured appropriatelyPalo_AltoCIS Palo Alto Firewall 8 Benchmark L1 v1.0.0
1.6.2 Ensure redundant NTP servers are configured appropriatelyPalo_AltoCIS Palo Alto Firewall 9 v1.1.0 L1
1.6.2 Ensure redundant NTP servers are configured appropriatelyPalo_AltoCIS Palo Alto Firewall 6 Benchmark L1 v1.0.0
1.6.2 Ensure redundant NTP servers are configured appropriatelyPalo_AltoCIS Palo Alto Firewall 7 Benchmark L1 v1.0.0
1.6.4 Configure Logging TimestampsCiscoCIS Cisco NX-OS L1 v1.1.0
1.7.1 Configure at least 2 external NTP ServersCiscoCIS Cisco NX-OS L1 v1.1.0
1.7.2 Configure a Time ZoneCiscoCIS Cisco NX-OS L1 v1.1.0
1.7.3 If a Local Time Zone is used, Configure Daylight SavingsCiscoCIS Cisco NX-OS L1 v1.1.0
1.7.4 Configure NTP AuthenticationCiscoCIS Cisco NX-OS L2 v1.1.0 Ensure 'NTP authentication' is enabledCiscoCIS Cisco ASA 9.x Firewall L1 v1.1.0 Ensure 'NTP authentication' is enabledCiscoCIS Cisco Firewall ASA 9 L1 v4.1.0 Ensure 'NTP authentication key' is configured correctlyCiscoCIS Cisco ASA 9.x Firewall L1 v1.1.0 Ensure 'trusted NTP server' existsCiscoCIS Cisco Firewall v8.x L1 v4.2.0 Ensure 'trusted NTP server' existsCiscoCIS Cisco ASA 9.x Firewall L1 v1.1.0
1.9.2 Ensure 'local timezone' is properly configuredCiscoCIS Cisco ASA 9.x Firewall L1 v1.1.0
1.44 (L1) Ensure 'Allow queries to a Browser Network Time service' is set to 'Enabled'WindowsCIS Microsoft Edge v3.0.0 L1
13 - Network Time ProtocolNetapp_APINetApp Security Hardening Guide for ONTAP 9 v1.7.0 (L2) Ensure 'Enable Windows NTP Client' is set to 'Enabled'WindowsCIS Microsoft Windows 8.1 v2.4.1 L2 (L2) Ensure 'Enable Windows NTP Client' is set to 'Enabled'WindowsCIS Microsoft Windows 8.1 v2.4.1 L2 Bitlocker (L2) Ensure 'Enable Windows NTP Client' is set to 'Enabled'WindowsCIS Microsoft Windows Server 2008 Member Server Level 2 v3.3.1 (L2) Ensure 'Enable Windows NTP Client' is set to 'Enabled'WindowsCIS Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 Domain Controller Level 2 v3.3.1 (L2) Ensure 'Enable Windows NTP Client' is set to 'Enabled'WindowsCIS Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 Member Server Level 2 v3.3.1 (L2) Ensure 'Enable Windows NTP Client' is set to 'Enabled'WindowsCIS Microsoft Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller Level 2 v3.3.1 (L2) Ensure 'Enable Windows NTP Server' is set to 'Disabled' (MS only)WindowsCIS Microsoft Windows Server 2008 Member Server Level 2 v3.3.1 (L2) Ensure 'Enable Windows NTP Server' is set to 'Disabled' (MS only)WindowsCIS Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 Member Server Level 2 v3.3.1 (L2) Ensure 'Enable Windows NTP Client' is set to 'Enabled'WindowsCIS Windows Server 2012 R2 MS L2 v3.0.0 (L2) Ensure 'Enable Windows NTP Client' is set to 'Enabled'WindowsCIS Microsoft Windows Server 2019 STIG v2.0.0 L2 DC (L2) Ensure 'Enable Windows NTP Client' is set to 'Enabled'WindowsCIS Microsoft Windows Server 2019 STIG v2.0.0 L2 MS (L2) Ensure 'Enable Windows NTP Client' is set to 'Enabled'WindowsCIS Windows Server 2012 R2 DC L2 v3.0.0 (L2) Ensure 'Enable Windows NTP Client' is set to 'Enabled'WindowsCIS Windows Server 2012 MS L2 v3.0.0 (L2) Ensure 'Enable Windows NTP Client' is set to 'Enabled'WindowsCIS Windows Server 2012 DC L2 v3.0.0 Ensure 'Enable Windows NTP Client' is set to 'Enabled'WindowsCIS Microsoft Windows Server 2022 STIG v1.0.0 L2 DC Ensure 'Enable Windows NTP Client' is set to 'Enabled'WindowsCIS Microsoft Windows Server 2022 STIG v1.0.0 L2 MS (L2) Ensure 'Enable Windows NTP Server' is set to 'Disabled' (MS only)WindowsCIS Windows Server 2012 R2 MS L2 v3.0.0 (L2) Ensure 'Enable Windows NTP Server' is set to 'Disabled' (MS only)WindowsCIS Windows Server 2012 MS L2 v3.0.0 Ensure 'Configure Windows NTP Client' is set to 'Enabled: NT5DS'WindowsCIS Microsoft Windows Server 2019 STIG v2.0.0 STIG DC Ensure 'Configure Windows NTP Client' is set to 'Enabled: NT5DS'WindowsCIS Microsoft Windows Server 2022 STIG v1.0.0 STIG MS Ensure 'Configure Windows NTP Client' is set to 'Enabled: NT5DS'WindowsCIS Microsoft Windows Server 2022 STIG v1.0.0 STIG DC Ensure 'Configure Windows NTP Client' is set to 'Enabled: NT5DS'WindowsCIS Microsoft Windows Server 2019 STIG v2.0.0 STIG MS (L2) Ensure 'Enable Windows NTP Server' is set to 'Disabled' (MS only)WindowsCIS Microsoft Windows Server 2019 STIG v2.0.0 L2 MS Ensure 'Enable Windows NTP Server' is set to 'Disabled' (MS only)WindowsCIS Microsoft Windows Server 2022 STIG v1.0.0 L2 MS (L1) Ensure 'Enable Windows NTP Client' is set to 'Enabled'WindowsCIS Microsoft Windows Server 2019 v3.0.1 L1 DC