1.1.3 - AirWatch - Enable 'Require alphanumeric value' | AirWatch - CIS Google Android 4 v1.0.0 L1 | MDM | IDENTIFICATION AND AUTHENTICATION |
1.1.3 - MobileIron - Enable 'Require alphanumeric value' | MobileIron - CIS Google Android 4 v1.0.0 L1 | MDM | IDENTIFICATION AND AUTHENTICATION |
2.1.2 - AirWatch - Enable 'Require alphanumeric value' | AirWatch - CIS Google Android 4 v1.0.0 L2 | MDM | IDENTIFICATION AND AUTHENTICATION |
2.1.3 - MobileIron - Set the 'minimum password length' | MobileIron - CIS Google Android 4 v1.0.0 L1 | MDM | IDENTIFICATION AND AUTHENTICATION |
2.1.4 - AirWatch - Set the 'minimum number of character sets' - 'Lower Case' | AirWatch - CIS Google Android 4 v1.0.0 L2 | MDM | IDENTIFICATION AND AUTHENTICATION |
2.1.4 - AirWatch - Set the 'minimum number of character sets' - 'Numbers' | AirWatch - CIS Google Android 4 v1.0.0 L2 | MDM | IDENTIFICATION AND AUTHENTICATION |
2.1.4 - AirWatch - Set the 'minimum number of character sets' - 'Symbols' | AirWatch - CIS Google Android 4 v1.0.0 L2 | MDM | IDENTIFICATION AND AUTHENTICATION |
2.1.4 - AirWatch - Set the 'minimum number of character sets' - 'Upper Case' | AirWatch - CIS Google Android 4 v1.0.0 L2 | MDM | IDENTIFICATION AND AUTHENTICATION |
2.1.4 - MobileIron - Set the 'minimum number of character sets' | MobileIron - CIS Google Android 4 v1.0.0 L2 | MDM | IDENTIFICATION AND AUTHENTICATION |
2.2.3 - AirWatch - Require alphanumeric value | AirWatch - CIS Apple iOS 9 v1.0.0 L2 | MDM | IDENTIFICATION AND AUTHENTICATION |
2.2.3 - AirWatch - Require alphanumeric value | AirWatch - CIS Apple iOS 8 v1.0.0 L2 | MDM | IDENTIFICATION AND AUTHENTICATION |
2.2.4 - AirWatch - Set minimum passcode length | AirWatch - CIS Apple iOS 8 v1.0.0 L1 | MDM | IDENTIFICATION AND AUTHENTICATION |
2.2.4 - AirWatch - Set minimum passcode length | AirWatch - CIS Apple iOS 9 v1.0.0 L1 | MDM | IDENTIFICATION AND AUTHENTICATION |
2.2.4 - MobileIron - Set minimum passcode length | MobileIron - CIS Apple iOS 9 v1.0.0 L1 | MDM | IDENTIFICATION AND AUTHENTICATION |
2.2.4 - MobileIron - Set minimum passcode length | MobileIron - CIS Apple iOS 8 v1.0.0 L1 | MDM | IDENTIFICATION AND AUTHENTICATION |
2.2.5 - AirWatch - Set Minimum number of complex characters | AirWatch - CIS Apple iOS 8 v1.0.0 L2 | MDM | IDENTIFICATION AND AUTHENTICATION |
2.2.5 - MobileIron - Set Minimum number of complex characters | MobileIron - CIS Apple iOS 9 v1.0.0 L2 | MDM | IDENTIFICATION AND AUTHENTICATION |
2.2.5 - MobileIron - Set Minimum number of complex characters | MobileIron - CIS Apple iOS 8 v1.0.0 L2 | MDM | IDENTIFICATION AND AUTHENTICATION |
2.4 Password Security - 'security.passwd.rules.maximum >= 14' | TNS NetApp Data ONTAP 7G | NetApp | IDENTIFICATION AND AUTHENTICATION |
2.6 Set 'Allow simple passwords' to 'False' | CIS Microsoft Exchange Server 2016 CAS v1.0.0 | Windows | IDENTIFICATION AND AUTHENTICATION |
5.2.4 Complex passwords must contain a Numeric Character - '1 number' | CIS Apple OSX 10.11 El Capitan L1 v1.1.0 | Unix | IDENTIFICATION AND AUTHENTICATION |
5.2.4 Complex passwords must contain a Numeric Character - '1 number' | CIS Apple OSX 10.10 Yosemite L1 v1.2.0 | Unix | IDENTIFICATION AND AUTHENTICATION |
5.2.5 Complex passwords must contain a Special Character | CIS Apple OSX 10.10 Yosemite L1 v1.2.0 | Unix | IDENTIFICATION AND AUTHENTICATION |
7.3 Set Strong Password Creation Policies - Check DICTIONLIST is set to /usr/share/lib/dict/words | CIS Solaris 10 L1 v5.2 | Unix | IDENTIFICATION AND AUTHENTICATION |
7.3 Set Strong Password Creation Policies - Check MINLOWER is set to 1 | CIS Solaris 10 L1 v5.2 | Unix | IDENTIFICATION AND AUTHENTICATION |
7.3 Set Strong Password Creation Policies - Check MINUPPER is set to 1 | CIS Solaris 10 L1 v5.2 | Unix | IDENTIFICATION AND AUTHENTICATION |
7.3 Set Strong Password Creation Policies - Check NAMECHECK is set to YES | CIS Solaris 10 L1 v5.2 | Unix | IDENTIFICATION AND AUTHENTICATION |
7.3 Set Strong Password Creation Policies - Check PASSLENGTH is set to 8 | CIS Solaris 10 L1 v5.2 | Unix | IDENTIFICATION AND AUTHENTICATION |
7.3 Set Strong Password Creation Policies - WHITESPACE is set to YES | CIS Solaris 10 L1 v5.2 | Unix | IDENTIFICATION AND AUTHENTICATION |
Brocade - minimum length of the password must be set to 9 | Tenable Best Practices Brocade FabricOS | Brocade | IDENTIFICATION AND AUTHENTICATION |
Brocade - minimum number of lowercase characters set to 1 | Tenable Best Practices Brocade FabricOS | Brocade | IDENTIFICATION AND AUTHENTICATION |
Brocade - minimum number of numeric digits set to 1 | Tenable Best Practices Brocade FabricOS | Brocade | IDENTIFICATION AND AUTHENTICATION |
Brocade - minimum number of punctuation characters set to 1 | Tenable Best Practices Brocade FabricOS | Brocade | IDENTIFICATION AND AUTHENTICATION |
Ensure all users last password change date is in the past | Tenable Cisco Firepower Management Center OS Best Practices Audit | Unix | IDENTIFICATION AND AUTHENTICATION |
IBM i : Maximum Length of Passwords (QPWDMAXLEN) - '>=8' | IBM System i Security Reference for V7R3 | AS/400 | IDENTIFICATION AND AUTHENTICATION |
IBM i : Maximum Length of Passwords (QPWDMAXLEN) - '>=8' | IBM System i Security Reference for V7R1 and V6R1 | AS/400 | IDENTIFICATION AND AUTHENTICATION |
IBM i : Minimum Length of Passwords (QPWDMINLEN) - '>=7' | IBM System i Security Reference for V7R2 | AS/400 | IDENTIFICATION AND AUTHENTICATION |
IBM i : Minimum Length of Passwords (QPWDMINLEN) - '>=7' | IBM System i Security Reference for V7R3 | AS/400 | IDENTIFICATION AND AUTHENTICATION |
IBM i : Password Level (QPWDLVL) - '>=0' | IBM System i Security Reference for V7R3 | AS/400 | IDENTIFICATION AND AUTHENTICATION |
IBM i : Password Rules (QPWDRULES) - '*PWDSYSVAL' | IBM System i Security Reference for V7R3 | AS/400 | IDENTIFICATION AND AUTHENTICATION |
IBM i : Password Rules (QPWDRULES) - '*PWDSYSVAL' | IBM System i Security Reference for V7R1 and V6R1 | AS/400 | IDENTIFICATION AND AUTHENTICATION |
IBM i : Password Rules (QPWDRULES) - '*PWDSYSVAL' | IBM System i Security Reference for V7R2 | AS/400 | IDENTIFICATION AND AUTHENTICATION |
IBM i : Requirement for Numeric Character in Passwords (QPWDRQDDGT) - '1' | IBM System i Security Reference for V7R1 and V6R1 | AS/400 | IDENTIFICATION AND AUTHENTICATION |
IBM i : Requirement for Numeric Character in Passwords (QPWDRQDDGT) - '1' | IBM System i Security Reference for V7R2 | AS/400 | IDENTIFICATION AND AUTHENTICATION |
IBM i : Restriction of Consecutive Digits for Passwords (QPWDLMTAJC) - '0' | IBM System i Security Reference for V7R1 and V6R1 | AS/400 | IDENTIFICATION AND AUTHENTICATION |
IBM i : Restriction of Consecutive Digits for Passwords (QPWDLMTAJC) - '0' | IBM System i Security Reference for V7R2 | AS/400 | IDENTIFICATION AND AUTHENTICATION |
Minimum password length | ArubaOS CX 10.x Hardening Guide v1.0.0 | ArubaOS | IDENTIFICATION AND AUTHENTICATION |
Salesforce.com : Setting Password Policies - 'minimum password length >= 8' | TNS Salesforce Best Practices Audit v1.2.0 | Salesforce.com | IDENTIFICATION AND AUTHENTICATION |
Salesforce.com : Setting Password Policies - 'Must mix numbers, uppercase and lowercase letters, and special characters' | TNS Salesforce Best Practices Audit v1.2.0 | Salesforce.com | IDENTIFICATION AND AUTHENTICATION |
User Authentication Security - Centralized authentication - Use a strong shared secret that complies with your organization's policy | Juniper Hardening JunOS 12 Devices Checklist | Juniper | IDENTIFICATION AND AUTHENTICATION |