Set 'Interactive logon: Require Domain Controller authentication to unlock workstation' to 'Disabled' | CIS Windows 8 L1 v1.0.0 | Windows | ACCESS CONTROL | Ensure GNOME Screen Lock is Enabled. | CIS Amazon Linux 2 STIG v1.0.0 L3 | Unix | ACCESS CONTROL | Ensure 'Interactive logon: Smart card removal behavior' is set to 'Lock Workstation' or higher | CIS Windows 7 Workstation Level 1 + Bitlocker v3.2.0 | Windows | ACCESS CONTROL | Ensure 'Interactive logon: Smart card removal behavior' is set to 'Lock Workstation' or higher | CIS Windows 7 Workstation Level 1 v3.2.0 | Windows | ACCESS CONTROL |
18.4.10 Ensure 'MSS: (ScreenSaverGracePeriod) The time in seconds before the screen saver grace period expires (0 recommended)' is set to 'Enabled: 5 or fewer seconds' | CIS Windows 7 Workstation Level 1 v3.2.0 | Windows | ACCESS CONTROL |
18.4.10 Ensure 'MSS: (ScreenSaverGracePeriod) The time in seconds before the screen saver grace period expires (0 recommended)' is set to 'Enabled: 5 or fewer seconds' | CIS Windows 7 Workstation Level 1 + Bitlocker v3.2.0 | Windows | ACCESS CONTROL |
Interactive logon: Smart card removal behavior | MSCT Windows 11 v24H2 v1.0.0 | Windows | ACCESS CONTROL |
Interactive logon: Smart card removal behavior | MSCT Windows 11 v1.0.0 | Windows | ACCESS CONTROL |
Interactive logon: Smart card removal behavior | MSCT Windows Server 2022 v1.0.0 | Windows | ACCESS CONTROL |
Interactive logon: Smart card removal behavior | MSCT Windows 10 v22H2 v1.0.0 | Windows | ACCESS CONTROL |
Interactive logon: Smart card removal behavior | MSCT Windows 10 v21H1 v1.0.0 | Windows | ACCESS CONTROL |
Interactive logon: Smart card removal behavior | MSCT MSCT Windows Server 2022 DC v1.0.0 | Windows | ACCESS CONTROL |
Interactive logon: Smart card removal behavior | MSCT Windows 11 v23H2 v1.0.0 | Windows | ACCESS CONTROL |
Interactive logon: Smart card removal behavior | MSCT Windows 11 v22H2 v1.0.0 | Windows | ACCESS CONTROL |
Interactive logon: Smart card removal behavior | MSCT Windows 10 1809 v1.0.0 | Windows | ACCESS CONTROL |
Interactive logon: Smart card removal behavior | MSCT Windows 10 v20H2 v1.0.0 | Windows | ACCESS CONTROL |
Interactive logon: Smart card removal behavior | MSCT Windows 10 v21H2 v1.0.0 | Windows | ACCESS CONTROL |
Interactive logon: Smart card removal behavior | MSCT Windows Server v2004 MS v1.0.0 | Windows | ACCESS CONTROL |
Interactive logon: Smart card removal behavior | MSCT Windows Server v20H2 DC v1.0.0 | Windows | ACCESS CONTROL |
Interactive logon: Smart card removal behavior | MSCT Windows Server v20H2 MS v1.0.0 | Windows | ACCESS CONTROL |
Interactive logon: Smart card removal behavior | MSCT Windows 10 1909 v1.0.0 | Windows | ACCESS CONTROL |
Interactive logon: Smart card removal behavior | MSCT Windows 10 1903 v1.19.9 | Windows | ACCESS CONTROL |
Interactive logon: Smart card removal behavior | MSCT Windows 10 v2004 v1.0.0 | Windows | ACCESS CONTROL |
Interactive logon: Smart card removal behavior | MSCT Windows Server v1909 DC v1.0.0 | Windows | ACCESS CONTROL |
Interactive logon: Smart card removal behavior | MSCT Windows Server v2004 DC v1.0.0 | Windows | ACCESS CONTROL |
Interactive logon: Smart card removal behavior | MSCT Windows Server 2012 R2 DC v1.0.0 | Windows | ACCESS CONTROL |
Interactive logon: Smart card removal behavior | MSCT Windows 10 v1507 v1.0.0 | Windows | ACCESS CONTROL |
Interactive logon: Smart card removal behavior | MSCT Windows Server 2012 R2 MS v1.0.0 | Windows | ACCESS CONTROL |
Interactive logon: Smart card removal behavior | MSCT Windows Server 2016 DC v1.0.0 | Windows | ACCESS CONTROL |
Interactive logon: Smart card removal behavior | MSCT Windows Server 2016 MS v1.0.0 | Windows | ACCESS CONTROL |
Interactive logon: Smart card removal behavior | MSCT Windows 10 1803 v1.0.0 | Windows | ACCESS CONTROL |
Interactive logon: Smart card removal behavior | MSCT Windows Server 1903 DC v1.19.9 | Windows | ACCESS CONTROL |
Interactive logon: Smart card removal behavior | MSCT Windows Server 1903 MS v1.19.9 | Windows | ACCESS CONTROL |
Interactive logon: Smart card removal behavior | MSCT Windows Server v1909 MS v1.0.0 | Windows | ACCESS CONTROL |
Interactive logon: Smart card removal behavior | MSCT Windows Server 2019 DC v1.0.0 | Windows | ACCESS CONTROL |
Interactive logon: Smart card removal behavior | MSCT Windows Server 2019 MS v1.0.0 | Windows | ACCESS CONTROL |
Let Windows apps activate with voice while the system is locked | MSCT Windows 10 v21H1 v1.0.0 | Windows | ACCESS CONTROL |
Let Windows apps activate with voice while the system is locked | MSCT Windows 10 1903 v1.19.9 | Windows | ACCESS CONTROL |
Let Windows apps activate with voice while the system is locked | MSCT Windows 10 v2004 v1.0.0 | Windows | ACCESS CONTROL |
Let Windows apps activate with voice while the system is locked | MSCT Windows 11 v22H2 v1.0.0 | Windows | ACCESS CONTROL |
Let Windows apps activate with voice while the system is locked | MSCT Windows 11 v1.0.0 | Windows | ACCESS CONTROL |
Let Windows apps activate with voice while the system is locked | MSCT Windows 10 1909 v1.0.0 | Windows | ACCESS CONTROL |
Let Windows apps activate with voice while the system is locked | MSCT Windows 10 v22H2 v1.0.0 | Windows | ACCESS CONTROL |
Let Windows apps activate with voice while the system is locked | MSCT Windows 11 v24H2 v1.0.0 | Windows | ACCESS CONTROL |
Let Windows apps activate with voice while the system is locked | MSCT Windows 11 v23H2 v1.0.0 | Windows | ACCESS CONTROL |
Let Windows apps activate with voice while the system is locked | MSCT Windows 10 v20H2 v1.0.0 | Windows | ACCESS CONTROL |
Let Windows apps activate with voice while the system is locked | MSCT Windows 10 v21H2 v1.0.0 | Windows | ACCESS CONTROL |
Monterey - Prevent Apple Watch from Terminating a Session Lock | NIST macOS Monterey v1.0.0 - 800-53r4 High | Unix | ACCESS CONTROL |
MSS: (ScreenSaverGracePeriod) The time in seconds before the screen saver grace period expires (0 Recommended) | MSCT Windows Server 2012 R2 MS v1.0.0 | Windows | ACCESS CONTROL |
MSS: (ScreenSaverGracePeriod) The time in seconds before the screen saver grace period expires (0 Recommended) | MSCT Windows Server 2012 R2 DC v1.0.0 | Windows | ACCESS CONTROL |