SLES-12-010231 - The SUSE operating system must not be configured to allow blank or null passwords.


Passwords need to be protected at all times, and encryption is the standard method for protecting passwords. If passwords are not encrypted, they can be plainly read (i.e., clear text) and easily compromised.


Configure the SUSE operating system to not allow blank or null passwords.

Remove any instances of the 'nullok' option in '/etc/pam.d/common-auth' and '/etc/pam.d/common-password' to prevent logons with empty passwords.

See Also

Item Details

References: CAT|II, CCI|CCI-000366, Rule-ID|SV-217125r603262_rule, STIG-ID|SLES-12-010231, STIG-Legacy|SV-96499, STIG-Legacy|V-81785, Vuln-ID|V-217125

Plugin: Unix

Control ID: 3328945c56e941cacb0af73408d9e41ccbc377a1f5be9c6735b4033956e102c4