OL6-00-000298 - Emergency accounts must be provisioned with an expiration date.


When emergency accounts are created, there is a risk they may remain in place and active after the need for them no longer exists. Account expiration greatly reduces the risk of accounts being misused or hijacked.

NOTE: Nessus has not performed this check. Please review the benchmark to ensure target compliance.


In the event emergency accounts are required, configure the system to terminate them after a documented time period.

For every emergency account, run the following command to set an expiration date on it, substituting '[USER]' and '[YYYY-MM-DD]' appropriately:

# chage -E [YYYY-MM-DD] [USER]

'[YYYY-MM-DD]' indicates the documented expiration date for the account.

See Also


Item Details


References: 800-53|AC-2(2), CAT|III, CCI|CCI-001682, Rule-ID|SV-209028r793749_rule, STIG-ID|OL6-00-000298, STIG-Legacy|SV-65199, STIG-Legacy|V-50993, Vuln-ID|V-209028

Plugin: Unix

Control ID: 912a993f11a69c2296cdd2eff63518d3ccb0bedf58cfbc9845d9c9c0f2b9a093