WN19-UR-000060 - Windows Server 2019 Create a token object user right must not be assigned to any groups or accounts.

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Inappropriate granting of user rights can provide system, administrative, and other high-level capabilities.

The 'Create a token object' user right allows a process to create an access token. This could be used to provide elevated rights and compromise a system.


Configure the policy value for Computer Configuration >> Windows Settings >> Security Settings >> Local Policies >> User Rights Assignment >> 'Create a token object' to be defined but containing no entries (blank).

See Also


Item Details

References: CAT|I, CCI|CCI-002235, Rule-ID|SV-205753r877392_rule, STIG-ID|WN19-UR-000060, STIG-Legacy|SV-103145, STIG-Legacy|V-93057, Vuln-ID|V-205753

Plugin: Windows

Control ID: 10ef31fd69e6ac2384c29c4b8b418abe393dad99af7fe5221f32b12a48f9976d