WINCC-000081 - EMET Default Protections for Popular Software must be enabled. - 7zFM.exe


Attackers are constantly looking for vulnerabilities in systems and applications. The Enhanced Mitigation Experience Toolkit can enable several mechanisms, such as Data Execution Prevention (DEP), Address Space Layout Randomization (ASLR), and Structured Exception Handler Overwrite Protection (SEHOP) on the system and applications adding additional levels of protection.


Configure the policy value for Computer Configuration >> Administrative Templates >> Windows Components >> EMET >> 'Default Protections for Popular Software' to 'Enabled'.

Note- The Enhanced Mitigation Experience Toolkit must be installed on the system and the administrative template files added to make this setting available.

Due to a change in the registry structure for EMET 5.5, if the system has a previous version of EMET installed and configured, this setting needs to be set to 'Not Configured' prior to the upgrade to EMET 5.5, and the new administrative template files copied to the appropriate area. The setting can then be re-enabled.

See Also

Item Details


References: 800-53|SI-16, CAT|II, CCI|CCI-002824, Rule-ID|SV-50048r5_rule, STIG-ID|WINCC-000081, Vuln-ID|V-36704

Plugin: Windows

Control ID: 5298e1a6347acce9a0db15932e8b0d00b45aaab3a028eb0d9b5af7283431a1f0