ARST-ND-000120 - The Arista network device must be configured to enforce the limit of three consecutive invalid logon attempts, after which time it must block any login attempt for 15 minutes.

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This audit has been deprecated and will be removed in a future update.

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By limiting the number of failed login attempts, the risk of unauthorized system access via user password guessing, otherwise known as brute-forcing, is reduced.


Configure the account lockout policy using the following commands:

switch(config)#aaa authentication policy lockout failure 3
switch(config)#duration 900

See Also

Item Details

References: CAT|II, CCI|CCI-000044, Rule-ID|SV-255949r882189_rule, STIG-ID|ARST-ND-000120, Vuln-ID|V-255949

Plugin: Arista

Control ID: 9592ea8f7b7bd5d01111ad945c5164d20a3f7eee191c156ed7abc2c104ac2b8a