5.4.4 Ensure password hashing algorithm is SHA-512 - system-auth

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The commands below change password encryption from md5 to sha512 (a much stronger hashing algorithm). All existing accounts will need to perform a password change to upgrade the stored hashes to the new algorithm.


The SHA-512 algorithm provides much stronger hashing than MD5, thus providing additional protection to the system by increasing the level of effort for an attacker to successfully determine passwords.

Note that these changes only apply to accounts configured on the local system.


Set password hashing algorithm to sha512.
Run the following script to dd or modify the pam_unix.so lines in the password-auth and system-auth files to include the sha512 option:

CP=$(authselect current | awk 'NR == 1 {print $3}' | grep custom/)
for FN in system-auth password-auth; do
[[ -z $(grep -E '^s*passwords+sufficients+pam_unix.sos+.*sha512s*.*$' $PTF) ]] && sed -ri 's/^s*(passwords+sufficients+pam_unix.sos+)(.*)$/12 sha512/' $PTF
authselect apply-changes

Additional Information:

Additional module options may be set, recommendation only covers those listed here.

If it is determined that the password algorithm being used is not SHA-512, once it is changed, it is recommended that all user ID's be immediately expired and forced to change their passwords on next login. To accomplish that, the following commands can be used. Any system accounts that need to be expired should be carefully done separately by the system administrator to prevent any potential problems.

# awk -F: '( $3<''$(awk '/^s*UID_MIN/{print $2}' /etc/login.defs)'' && $1 != 'nfsnobody' ) { print $1 }' /etc/passwd | xargs -n 1 chage -d 0

See Also
