3.2.1 Set failed archive retry delay


The archretrydelay parameter specifies the number of seconds the DB2 service will wait before it reattempts to archive log files after a failure. It is recommended that this parameter be set anywhere in the range of 10-30. You do not want the delay to be so short that the database ends up in a denial of service scenario, but you don't want the delay to be too long if an outside attack happens at the same time.

Ensure that the value is non-zero, otherwise archive logging will not retry after the first failure. A denial of service attack can render the database without an archive log if this setting is not set. An archive log will ensure that all transactions can safely be restored or logged for auditing.


1. Connect to the DB2 database.
db2 => connect to $DB2INSTANCE user $USERNAME using $PASSWORD
2. Run the following command from the DB2 command window:
db2 => update database configuration using archretrydelay 20
Default Value:
The default value for ARCHRETRYDELAY is 20.

See Also
