2.5.10 Ensure a Password is Required to Wake the Computer From Sleep or Screen Saver Is Enabled

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Sleep and screen saver modes are low power modes that reduce electrical consumption while the system is not in use.


Prompting for a password when waking from sleep or screen saver mode mitigates the threat of an unauthorized person gaining access to a system in the user's absence.


Without a screenlock in place anyone with physical access to the computer would be logged in and able to use the active user's session.

NOTE: Nessus has not performed this check. Please review the benchmark to ensure target compliance.


Perform the following to enable a password for unlock after a screen saver begins or after sleep:
Graphical Method:

Open System Preferences

Select Security & Privacy

Select General

Set Require password after or screensaver begins with a time of immediately or 5 seconds

Profile Method:

Create or edit a configuration profile with the PayloadType of com.apple.screensaver

Add the key askForPassword

Set the key to <true/>

Add the key askForPasswordDelay

Set the key to <integer><0,5></integer>

See Also
