Sun Java JRE Multiple Vulnerabilities (244986 et al) (Unix)

critical Nessus Plugin ID 64828


The remote Unix host contains a runtime environment that is affected by multiple vulnerabilities.


The version of Sun Java Runtime Environment (JRE) installed on the remote host is earlier than 6 Update 11 / 5.0 Update 17 / 1.4.2_19 / 1.3.1_24. Such versions are potentially affected by the following security issues :

- The JRE creates temporary files with insufficiently random names. (244986)

- There are multiple buffer overflow vulnerabilities involving the JRE's image processing code, its handling of GIF images, and its font processing.

- It may be possible for an attacker to bypass security checks due to the manner in which it handles the 'non-shortest form' of UTF-8 byte sequences.

- There are multiple security vulnerabilities in Java Web Start and Java Plug-in that may allow for privilege escalation. (244988)

- The JRE Java Update mechanism does not check the digital signature of the JRE that it downloads. (244989)

- A buffer overflow may allow an untrusted Java application that is launched through the command line to elevate its privileges. (244990)

- A vulnerability related to deserializing calendar objects may allow an untrusted applet or application to elevate its privileges. (244991)

- A buffer overflow affects the 'unpack200' JAR unpacking utility and may allow an untrusted applet or application to elevate its privileges with unpacking applets and Java Web Start applications. (244992)

- The UTF-8 decoder accepts encodings longer than the 'shortest' form. Although not a vulnerability per se, it may be leveraged to exploit software that relies on the JRE UTF-8 decoder to reject the 'non-shortest form' sequence. (245246)

- An untrusted applet or application may be able to list the contents of the home directory of the user running the applet or application. (246266)

- A denial of service vulnerability may be triggered when the JRE handles certain RSA public keys. (246286)

- A vulnerability may be triggered while authenticating users through Kerberos and lead to a system-wide denial of service due to excessive consumption of operating system resources. (246346)

- Security vulnerabilities in the JAX-WS and JAXB packages where internal classes can be accessed may allow an untrusted applet or application to elevate privileges.

- An untrusted applet or application when parsing zip files may be able to read arbitrary memory locations in the process that the applet or application is running.

- The JRE allows code loaded from the local filesystem to access localhost. (246387)


Update to Sun Java JDK / JRE 6 Update 11, JDK / JRE 5.0 Update 17, SDK / JRE 1.4.2_19, or SDK / JRE 1.3.1_24 or later and remove, if necessary, any affected versions.

See Also

Plugin Details

Severity: Critical

ID: 64828

File Name: sun_java_jre_244986_unix.nasl

Version: 1.15

Type: local

Agent: unix

Family: Misc.

Published: 2/22/2013

Updated: 4/11/2022

Configuration: Enable thorough checks

Supported Sensors: Nessus Agent, Nessus

Risk Information


Risk Factor: Critical

Score: 9.7


Risk Factor: Critical

Base Score: 10

Temporal Score: 8.7

Vector: CVSS2#AV:N/AC:L/Au:N/C:C/I:C/A:C

CVSS Score Source: CVE-2008-5355

Vulnerability Information

CPE: cpe:/a:oracle:jre

Required KB Items: Host/Java/JRE/Installed

Exploit Available: true

Exploit Ease: Exploits are available

Patch Publication Date: 12/3/2008

Exploitable With


Core Impact

Metasploit (Sun Java Calendar Deserialization Privilege Escalation)

Elliot (Apache Tomcat File Disclosure)

Reference Information

CVE: CVE-2008-2086, CVE-2008-5339, CVE-2008-5340, CVE-2008-5341, CVE-2008-5342, CVE-2008-5343, CVE-2008-5344, CVE-2008-5345, CVE-2008-5346, CVE-2008-5347, CVE-2008-5348, CVE-2008-5349, CVE-2008-5350, CVE-2008-5351, CVE-2008-5352, CVE-2008-5353, CVE-2008-5354, CVE-2008-5355, CVE-2008-5356, CVE-2008-5357, CVE-2008-5358, CVE-2008-5359, CVE-2008-5360

BID: 30633, 32608, 32620, 32892

CWE: 119, 189, 200, 264, 287, 94