CentOS 3 / 4 / 5 : mikmod (CESA-2010:0720)

high Nessus Plugin ID 49714



The remote CentOS host is missing one or more security updates.


Updated mikmod packages that fix multiple security issues are now available for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3, 4, and 5.

The Red Hat Security Response Team has rated this update as having moderate security impact. Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) base scores, which give detailed severity ratings, are available for each vulnerability from the CVE links in the References section.

MikMod is a MOD music file player for Linux, UNIX, and similar operating systems. It supports various file formats including MOD, STM, S3M, MTM, XM, ULT, and IT.

Multiple input validation flaws, resulting in buffer overflows, were discovered in MikMod. Specially crafted music files in various formats could, when played, cause an application using the MikMod library to crash or, potentially, execute arbitrary code. (CVE-2009-3995, CVE-2009-3996, CVE-2007-6720)

All MikMod users should upgrade to these updated packages, which contain backported patches to correct these issues. All running applications using the MikMod library must be restarted for this update to take effect.


Update the affected mikmod packages.

See Also







Plugin Details

Severity: High

ID: 49714

File Name: centos_RHSA-2010-0720.nasl

Version: 1.18

Type: local

Agent: unix

Published: 10/6/2010

Updated: 1/4/2021

Supported Sensors: Frictionless Assessment AWS, Frictionless Assessment Azure, Frictionless Assessment Agent, Agentless Assessment, Nessus

Risk Information


Risk Factor: High

Score: 7.4


Risk Factor: High

Base Score: 9.3

Temporal Score: 7.3

Vector: CVSS2#AV:N/AC:M/Au:N/C:C/I:C/A:C

Vulnerability Information

CPE: p-cpe:/a:centos:centos:mikmod, p-cpe:/a:centos:centos:mikmod-devel, cpe:/o:centos:centos:3, cpe:/o:centos:centos:4, cpe:/o:centos:centos:5

Required KB Items: Host/local_checks_enabled, Host/CentOS/release, Host/CentOS/rpm-list

Exploit Available: true

Exploit Ease: Exploits are available

Patch Publication Date: 10/10/2010

Vulnerability Publication Date: 1/20/2009

Exploitable With

Core Impact

Reference Information

CVE: CVE-2007-6720, CVE-2009-3995, CVE-2009-3996, CVE-2009-3997, CVE-2010-2546, CVE-2010-2971

BID: 33235, 37374

CWE: 119, 189

RHSA: 2010:0720