RHEL 4 : mysql (RHSA-2006:0544)

high Nessus Plugin ID 21683


The remote Red Hat host is missing one or more security updates.


Updated mysql packages that fix multiple security flaws are now available.

This update has been rated as having important security impact by the Red Hat Security Response Team.

MySQL is a multi-user, multi-threaded SQL database server. MySQL is a client/server implementation consisting of a server daemon (mysqld) and many different client programs and libraries.

A flaw was found in the way the MySQL mysql_real_escape() function escaped strings when operating in a multibyte character encoding. An attacker could provide an application a carefully crafted string containing invalidly-encoded characters which may be improperly escaped, leading to the injection of malicious SQL commands.

An information disclosure flaw was found in the way the MySQL server processed malformed usernames. An attacker could view a small portion of server memory by supplying an anonymous login username which was not null terminated. (CVE-2006-1516)

An information disclosure flaw was found in the way the MySQL server executed the COM_TABLE_DUMP command. An authenticated malicious user could send a specially crafted packet to the MySQL server which returned random unallocated memory. (CVE-2006-1517)

A log file obfuscation flaw was found in the way the mysql_real_query() function creates log file entries. An attacker with the the ability to call the mysql_real_query() function against a mysql server can obfuscate the entry the server will write to the log file. However, an attacker needed to have complete control over a server in order to attempt this attack. (CVE-2006-0903)

This update also fixes numerous non-security-related flaws, such as intermittent authentication failures.

All users of mysql are advised to upgrade to these updated packages containing MySQL version 4.1.20, which is not vulnerable to these issues.


Update the affected packages.

See Also









Plugin Details

Severity: High

ID: 21683

File Name: redhat-RHSA-2006-0544.nasl

Version: 1.25

Type: local

Agent: unix

Published: 6/11/2006

Updated: 1/14/2021

Supported Sensors: Frictionless Assessment AWS, Frictionless Assessment Azure, Frictionless Assessment Agent, Nessus Agent, Agentless Assessment, Nessus

Risk Information


Risk Factor: Medium

Score: 6.1


Risk Factor: High

Base Score: 7.5

Temporal Score: 5.9

Vector: CVSS2#AV:N/AC:L/Au:N/C:P/I:P/A:P

Vulnerability Information

CPE: p-cpe:/a:redhat:enterprise_linux:mysql, p-cpe:/a:redhat:enterprise_linux:mysql-bench, p-cpe:/a:redhat:enterprise_linux:mysql-devel, p-cpe:/a:redhat:enterprise_linux:mysql-server, cpe:/o:redhat:enterprise_linux:4

Required KB Items: Host/local_checks_enabled, Host/RedHat/release, Host/RedHat/rpm-list, Host/cpu

Exploit Available: true

Exploit Ease: Exploits are available

Patch Publication Date: 6/8/2006

Vulnerability Publication Date: 2/27/2006

Reference Information

CVE: CVE-2006-0903, CVE-2006-1516, CVE-2006-1517, CVE-2006-2753, CVE-2006-3081, CVE-2006-4380

BID: 17780

RHSA: 2006:0544