6.2.12 Ensure 'log_statement_stats' database flag for Cloud SQL PostgreSQL instance is set to 'off'

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The log_statement_stats flag controls the inclusion of end to end performance statistics of a SQL query in the PostgreSQL logs for each query. This cannot be enabled with other module statistics (log_parser_stats, log_planner_stats, log_executor_stats).


The log_statement_stats flag enables a crude profiling method for logging end to end performance statistics of a SQL query. This can be useful for troubleshooting but may increase the amount of logs significantly and have performance overhead. This recommendation is applicable to PostgreSQL database instances.


Using Console:

Go to the Cloud SQL Instances page in the Google Cloud Console by visiting https://console.cloud.google.com/sql/instances.

Select the PostgreSQL instance for which you want to enable the database flag.

Click Edit.

Scroll down to the Flags section.

To set a flag that has not been set on the instance before, click Add item, choose the flag log_statement_stats from the drop-down menu and set appropriate value.

Click Save to save your changes.

Confirm your changes under Flags on the Overview page.

Using Command Line:

List all Cloud SQL database Instances

gcloud sql instances list

Configure the log_statement_stats database flag for every Cloud SQL PosgreSQL database instance using the below command.

gcloud sql instances patch INSTANCE_NAME --database-flags log_statement_stats=off

Note: This command will overwrite all database flags previously set. To keep those and add new ones, include the values for all flags you want set on the instance; any flag not specifically included is set to its default value. For flags that do not take a value, specify the flag name followed by an equals sign ('=').

Default Value:

By default log_statement_stats is off.

See Also
